I have a textfield that takes a user's name but i dont want to save the 
user's name in a database table i just wanna be able to display it in all 
the pages as long as the user is going through the web pages they should 
see their name with the welcome message but what i have achieved so far is 
to only display it in one page, the first page where they entered their 
name, the other pages dont display anything, here is my code:

def echo():
    return 'Welcome, ', request.vars.name

*VIEW 1*
<div id="target" class="target" style="float: right; color: #1f8f7b; 
font-weight: bold;">

<div id="emc-score"></div>
<div id="greetings" class="greetings">
    Hello, welcome to <b>T.K's</b> computurised driving theory testing 
system, please enter your name in the <code>textfield</code> below and 
click begin to start, GOODLUCK<br />
    <form id="enterName">
    <input type="text" name="name" placeholder="Enter your name" /> <a href=
"#" id="greet" onclick="ajax('{{=URL('default', 'echo')}}', ['name'], 
'target')" ><img src="{{=URL('static/images', 'start.jpg')}}" width="60px"

How do I get view 2 & the rest to also display the user's name after 
collecting it the first time when they get started?

*VIEW 2*
<div id="target" class="target" style="float: right; color: #1f8f7b; 
font-weight: bold;">

<div id="emc-score"></div>
<div class="wrap">
  <div class="row">
  <section data-quiz-item>
      QUESTION 1
    <div class="question">What Influences the degree of centrifugal force 
on bends?</div>
    <div class="choices" data-choices='["The radius of the bend", 
"Speed","The height of your vehicle"]'>


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