> db.define_table('products',
>     Field('product_name'),
>     Field('current_price', 'float'),
>     Field('image', 'upload'),
>     Field('description', type='text'),
>     Field('product_availability', requires = IS_IN_SET(['Available','Not 
> Available'])),
>     auth.signature,
>     )
> db.define_table('orders',
>     Field('productId', db.product),

Is this your real code? If so, the above line would be throwing an 
exception, as the table name is db.products, not db.product.

>  def proc():
>     prodDict = {}
>     productrows = db(db.products).select()
>     for x in productrows:
>         prodDict[x.id] = x.product_name
>     order_date = str(request.now.year) + "-" + str(request.now.month) + 
> "-" + str(request.now.day)
>     qty = request.vars.qty
>     productId = request.vars.productId
>     userId = session.auth.user.id
>     sql = "INSERT INTO orders (productId, userId, qty, order_date) values 
> (str(productId), str(userId), str(qty), str(order_date))"

Above, you cannot mix Python into your SQL code. Also, by generating SQL 
with user-submitted values, you are opening yourself to SQL injection 
attacks. Why are you manually generating raw SQL rather than using the DAL 
to do the insert?

Before proceeding, I strongly suggest reading the web2py documentation.


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