On Saturday, April 7, 2018 at 4:13:16 AM UTC-4, Stephan wrote:
> Anthony, 1kTHX, it works now. 
> The error was, that I set *migrate=True* in the DAL connector, i.e.  *db 
> = DAL('credentials.ee@mysql', migrate=True)* but not in the table that 
> was altered.
> So this works for me:
> - I run the application with db = DAL('xxx@xyz', fake_migrate_all=True) 
> - I remove fake_migrate_all=True
> - I add 'migrate=True' to the table where I added al line

I'm not sure what your original workflow was, but the "migrate" argument to 
DAL() simply determines the default value of "migrate" in each call to 
.define_table(), both of which default to True -- so explicitly setting 
either of them to True is equivalent to not setting them at all.


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