Thanks. I really need to modify this programmatically for a functional test 
suite - it's not so much a dev vs prod thing. If I have a modified 
appconfig, how do I set web2py to use it for a particular rocket instance, 
but not normally?

On Thursday, 1 March 2018 11:33:15 UTC, 黄祥 wrote:
> i think you can do it programmitacally, using the variable or create 
> multiple appconfig.ini e.g. (dev_appconfig.ini), for the first suggestion, 
> usually do this 
> *models/*
> from gluon.contrib.appconfig import AppConfig
> config_path = os.path.join(request.folder, 'private')
> configuration = AppConfig('%s/appconfig.ini' % config_path, reload = True)
> configuration_env = configuration.get('environment.type')
> # this the example, to get the value of dev_smtp.sender
> mail.settings.sender = configuration.get(configuration_env + '_' + 
> 'smtp.sender')
> *private/appconfig.ini*
> [environment]
> type = dev
> ;type = test
> ;type = stage
> ;type = prod
> [dev_smtp]
> sender = We Care < <javascript:>>
> [test_smtp]
> sender = We Care < <javascript:>>
> [stage_smtp]
> sender = We Care < <javascript:>>
> [prod_smtp]
> sender = We Care < <javascript:>>
> for the later suggestion, just adapt it on the file name instead 
> (dev_appconfig.ini)
> best regards,
> stifan

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