I have tried 

form = SQLFORM.grid(db.qr_info,

and I got:
<type 'exceptions.TypeError'> grid() got an unexpected keyword argument 
What is wrong?


(läuft auf nginx/1.10.0, Python 2.7.12) 

Am Montag, 20. März 2017 19:52:53 UTC+1 schrieb Jordan Myers:
> Hello,
> I am trying to display a Field that has type 'blob' in a SQLFORM.grid. The 
> data is NOT user-uploaded, thus I cannot use the typical uploadfield + 
> request.download pattern. I am using blob because I need to store important 
> algorithm-generated data that is too large to fit in the 'text' field type. 
> I would like it to display a link to a handler.
> I tried a simple test case model
> db.define_table('blob_test',
>                 Field('blob_field', 'blob', readable=True,
>                       represent=lambda value, row: A('link', 
> _href=URL('handler', args=[row.id]))
>                       )
>                 )
> #and in the controller:
> def blob_grid():
>     response.view = 'generic.html'
>     grid = SQLFORM.grid(db.blob_test.id > 0)
>     return dict(grid=grid)
> The result is that the controller does not display the link, and indeed the 
> entire column is overtaken by the default view/edit/delete buttons provided 
> by grid.
> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-WzURnD6J-gg/WNAkBA3OXRI/AAAAAAAAATw/e-ft-MN-wZ0mpln8k5CiONkzBslFepsxgCLcB/s1600/blob_grid.png>
> Interestingly, the appadmin display of the table does have the represent link 
> as intended. 
> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-zHvXKP8aHWM/WNAkJuVI3XI/AAAAAAAAAT0/BDeM8atNGksOBSoQv9G43Cdbgr_FVBvwwCLcB/s1600/blob_admin.png>
> How can I have this representation work for SQLFORM.grid? Thanks.

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