I figured a work around:

if request.controller == 'default':
        ctID = ctID.t_trial.f_ctid
        ctID = ctID.f_ctid

It would be nice to fix from the source.

On Thursday, February 1, 2018 at 6:39:37 PM UTC-8, Yi Liu wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have a field with custom represent:
> ```
> Field('f_lastupdate', type='string',
>           label=T('Last Update'), represent=lambda value, row: 
> lastUpdateDateFormat(value, row['t_trial']['f_ctid'])),
> ```
> It is fine in the application (default.py), but not in appadmin when i 
> admin the table.
> If i change row['t_trial']['f_ctid'] to row['f_ctid'], appadmin works but 
> the application throws similar error. It seems appadmin.py interpret the 
> lambda function differently than default.py, causing keyerror or 
> attributeerror
> Am I missing something? Thanks!

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