And for chapter 7: - p174, halfway " can be done in the view or the action". I assume action is defined earlier - Perhaps a quick reference. - general, sometime you amke an update of a previous example. Please make explicit in the code, eg by using comments, where the new/changed stuff is. Makes it easier to spot - p175, 1st bullter re the validator. refer to later section covering validators - p17s, lower part. Explain that this message is generated by default by the validator in the used example - p175, 3rd line below "bee submitted" - p177, last bullet. consider switching the the last sentences - p178, re the explanition of accept and errors. Perhaps add that accepts calls the validators and the optionally onvalidate that doe the actual adding of error messages - p178, keepvalues - also covers the signature of accepts. should be before the keep value - p179 - what is field d doing in this example? - p 180/181 multple forms/self sunmission. Both refer to SQLFORM that is only discussed later - p180 multiple form submission. So by leaving out the session variable where open again for double submission. Can we prevent it, or did we open a new hole? [note: perhaps we need more explicit ways to deal with this in web2py, as leaving out a session variable can be overlooked] - p181, self submission - what is the use case for having this? teh code example on shows how it is done, but gives little information on why it is done... - p182 '( it can be psddrf with the fields...)' - how? - p182, last part - gae stores in the db - p183, last half ' single biggest time saver' - why? how? - p183, just below previous: how and why to overlaod the xml method. Relevant example? - p184, sequence of the fields is not in line with the signature (it is in other cases) - p184, consider how the senteneces are phrased. Most orther cases start with the fieldname, here it is more messy - p185, first bullet. Bit messy. Starts with " optional arguments are ... starting with underscore'. just below a argument name is shown without an underscore. perhaps a bit more background re the _ attributes - p185, insert/update. be more specific if a record is passed, or just an id - p186 - sqlform in html. This is a very special case. Perhaps list why/when to use this. Compare it with the custom variant - p186, code example. Correct that session is missing? make it explicit - p186 - why is the custom vraint only listed several pages later? - p187 - re the formname, where is it used for. What is the effect of setting it to None (looks like what has been disucssed on 180) - p187 - sqlform and upload - GAE is different - p187 - perhpas make the filenaming convetion explicit: <table>.<field>.<id-part1>.<id-part2>.<original extension> - p188, example refers to 'db', which is a global variable and has required name. be more explicit, also in the DAL section that is a aconvetion to name the DAL global variable db, and is used as such in the book - p188, html output bottom: reformat it? - p190, link to referencing records. Make a reference to Chapter 6 / DAL - p190, bottom, 'appadmin' is mentioned here. make a reference to where it is explained in more detail [ note re page 191, add a similar upgrad to linkto for SQLFORM as we did with SQLTABLE] - p192, SQLTABLE is mentioned, make a reference to where it is explained in more detail - p192, pre-population. Comapre it against setting field.default ? - p192 SQLFORMwithout IO. As described now, this is the usecase for onvalidate. Perhaps better to use an example where one form touches multiple tables? - p194 and further: include full signature for validators - p194, introduce the three types of validators (bais, db, custom) - p196, in-range validator, refer to followong python convention (for users not known with python the < max ins etad of <= max may be a surprise) [ note: perhaps rename the converting validators such as IS_LOWER to MAKE_LOWER or CONVERT_LOWER ?] - p197 is_list_of, first half of first sentence makes it confusing - p197, is_time, refer to formatting in is_datetime? - p201, is_lower is already mentioned on p197 [ note: consider renaming CRYPT and CLEAN to make use of naming convention, see also other note] [ note: for backwardcomp we keep the old names, perhaps add a warning output log message that these names have changed? ] - p202 - validators can now be derived from a base class - p203 - source example is outdated (nor derived from base class) - p204, widget listing - consider adding a small brake after line 10 (for the text below) - p205, convetion of id and class value - refer to specific section - p205, consider giving crud it's own chapter - p205, first code example crud 'improt' should be ' import' - p206, attribute listing. Follwoing earlier sections, make use of a bullet list - p208, idem - p209, onaccept, onvalidate - make post/pre db io action clear - p210, custom form should be earlier - p211, first sentence 'tags in form... the forms' -> ' Tags in forms .. it'
hans On Sat, Jul 11, 2009 at 8:49 PM, Hans Donner<> wrote: > Reading through Ch 6: > - p143 - perhaps a note that the term SQL is genericly used (GAE does > not use SQL) > - p144 - bit confusing to still have SQLRows, ...Storage, ...Query, > ...Set and ..Xorable; perhaps prefix them with DAL insetad of SQL > - p145 - the SQLXorable description is unclear. I still cannot explain > this to a non-developer (even when I peek at the data). Is it relevant > here? > - p145 - the image needs updating (still uses SQLDB) > - p145 - the image is now confusing, just before the Field is > indicated as to be derived from Xorable and in the pictures it looks > like it is the reverse. I believe the image is trying to convery > another story, but it is not clear what story and where it is told > - p146 - assume it is on the default port, but some connection strings > still have a port in them > - p146 - firebird has a user insteda of a username > - p147 - halfway it is mentioned that DAL can make multiple > connections to different databases. Please refer to a section where > this will be described > - p147/148 - migrations may need a sepcial paragraph header, as it is > quite an important subject > - p147/148 - perhpas also mention good practice re the usage in > production and development environments > - p148- the coding example halfway still uses SQLField > - p148 - uploadfield or " uploadfield", the usage of quotes are not > always consistent > - p148 - mention of SQLFORM, see earlier comment > - p149 - the italic section, why is the distinction important? > - p149 - a list of default widgets - where will it be listed? > - p150 - second bullit, " will di displayed" > - p150 - "25% more storage" / "reduced the amount of data" seems to > contradict, and could use an explanantion > - p151 - id's starting at 1, is backend specific (not on GAE) > - p151 - halfway, still mention SQLField > - p152 - restrats at 1 - is backend specific (not on GAE) > - p153 - commit/rollback - is backend specific (not on GAE) > - p153/ 154 - executesql / indices. Text is contradicting, mention > with executesql the usage for selects is normally not needed, but is > more common for indexes > - p154/155 - "this is one the way .. ", consider revising this part. > web2py follows the design for a technical key, which is a good > practice. many db's use only logical keys, which is another practice > but (currently?) not supported by web2py if it doesn't have a > technical key as well > - p156 - the one-line examples seem to be chained, could perhaps be > made more expicit in the text for those readers doing only the reading > and not the live examples > - p156 bottom - field selection is backend specific, gae works differently > - p157, the example at the bottom; can this be typed into the interpreter? > - p157, doing this kind of db in a view is not by everybody considered > good MVC practice > - p158, orederby etc - is backend specific (not on gae) > - p158, " an filed is derived from an sqlxorable" this seems to come > from nowhere/blue sky > - p158, logical operators. Perhpas mention explicitly that AND and OR > are not supported due to python restrictions > - p160, relations - not on gae > - p161, INNER OUTER JOIN ? > - p165, helpers? Perhaps make a reference to a previous chapter > > Hans > > > > On Sat, Jul 11, 2009 at 6:33 PM, Jose<> wrote: >> >> >> >> On 11 jul, 14:57, Massimo Di Pierro <> wrote: >>> Chapters 7 and 8 have been revised including corrections from Mr >>> Admin, Fran and Jonathan. >>> >>> web2py_manual_678.pdf >>> 1982 KVerDescargar >> >> Massimo >> >> In the page 146: >> >> The ports of mysql and postgre are equal. >> In firebird already it is not necessary to put the port 3050. >> >> Jose >> >> >> > --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "web2py Web Framework" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---