OK, just try 
print  'c:\web2py\applications\testme\databases'
and you will be surprised

On Friday, December 8, 2017 at 12:14:18 AM UTC+3, Pbop wrote:
> Sorry for not being more clear in my original question so would like to 
> offer more specific information.... 
> I have a SQLITE database located at c:\web2py\applications\testme\databases
> When running web2py, I have no problem connecting to the database. It 
> loads the test data and works just fine. Web2Py is working great. 
> The problem is when I try to connect to the database from the python 
> command line to db = 
> gluon.DAL('sqlite://storage.sqlite',folder='c:\web2py\applications\testme\databases"),
> I get an OperationalError. If I I supply the DAL connection string to an 
> empty folder it is creating the database and connecting just fine and have 
> full access to the DAL api. So from the python shell, the DAL is connecting 
> fine to a SQLITE database that was not created by Web2Py, but is not 
> connecting to a database created from Web2Py. 
> I have downloaded PyDAL into Python and can import either from there or 
> from the Web2Py/gluon/packages/dal folder and neither will allow me to 
> connect to a Web2Py created SQLITE database on a Windows Machine. I have 
> ruled out different versions of PyDal and I am an administrator. I am left 
> thinking I may be missing a parameter I have not groked in the docs, or 
> Web2Py may add a protection to not allow connections outside of the Web2Py 
> context. 

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