On Tuesday, October 17, 2017 at 5:29:24 PM UTC-4, 黄祥 wrote:
> why web2py can't render the views in markdown format that been assign 
> (*.md) in most simple way?
> e.g.
> def testmd():
>     response.view = 'default/testmd.md'
>     #response.render = 'default/testmd.md'
>     return locals()
> think about github pages can render it 

The web2py template engine does not do any specialized rendering of content 
outside the {{...}} delimiters. It processes the Python code inside the 
template delimiters and returns everything else as is. What you ask is 
simply not part of the design of the template system (nor most other 
template systems, I think).

Of course, you can pass markdown content to a web2py template and have it 
rendered to HTML using a markdown-to-html converter. Or you can do the 
conversion in the controller and return the output directly rather than 
using a view.

I'm not sure how Github Pages is relevant here. The issue is not a 
technical one (there are libraries to generate HTML from Markdown) -- this 
is already doable in web2py. It's just that the template system is not 
designed to do any special post-processing of the template content.

Note, we couldn't add this functionality without breaking backward 
compatibility -- the framework can't start automatically assuming any view 
with a .md extension includes Markdown to be transformed to HTML (existing 
apps might be using the .md extension for some other purpose or be designed 
to return actual Markdown content). We could probably create a generic.md 
view that looks for a named view associated with the current requested 
function (perhaps with a different extension, such as .markdown), renders 
that view, and then converts it from Markdown to HTML.


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