I have on development machine: psycopg2,pg8000 - psycopg2 accidentally from 
other project.
On production I have the standard Web2py installation only --> and this 
means: pg8000-obsolete.

I run scheduler task for import (about 30000 records in central table + 
some smaller related tables).

I can read from 3rd party tests, that pg8000 is 3-times slower than 
psycopg2, however:

With pg8000-obsolete the time of import could be about 30 mins, but the 
import failed always.
With pg8000-current the import works and the time is about 17 mins.
With psycopg2 15 mins.

The times are not exact, because it is not standalone machine, but a VPS in 
Forpsi cloud.
However it looks so, that psycopg2 and pg8000-current works similar well 

So the evil is to let the pg8000-obsolete in contrib/ in current Web2py 
This should change:
- or update Web2py release to current pg8000,
- or remove the pg8000 from Web2py release completely

I made yesterday Issues for updating pg8000 in Web2py release. I still 
think that this would be a good step.

Dne čtvrtek 17. srpna 2017 21:15:25 UTC+2 Dave S napsal(a):
> On Thursday, August 17, 2017 at 4:59:10 AM UTC-7, Mirek Zvolský wrote:
>> I think reason is the too old contrib/pg8000 driver.
>> It is something like listed here (pg8000+web2py): 
>> https://github.com/mfenniak/pg8000/issues/73
>> I have installed the current one pg8000 and it looks well, without or 
>> with scheduler.
> In general, pg8000 is deprecated.
> The recommended driver is psycopg2.
> <URL:https://groups.google.com/d/msg/web2py/H5axObIMKhg/Rr1bfDU4FQAJ>
> /dps

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