Do you want more easy than git command line? A interface maybe...?

Or automatize this process to send to remote repository.

Em sexta-feira, 28 de julho de 2017 13:13:23 UTC-3, William Ross escreveu:
> Hello, I have an existing web2py project that I edit through the admin 
> interface. To backup the project I am manually pushing that code to a 
> GitHub.
> I saw that under the 'Manage' tab there are options to 'Git Pull' and 'Git 
> Push' which requires the gitpython module. Looking through threads on this 
> subject from the Google Group there was discussion in 2012 that said these 
> GitHub buttons are experimental.
> Are those buttons still experimental currently?
> What's the best way to seamlessly integrate my web2py project with GitHub?
> Thank you.

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