On Wednesday, May 31, 2017 at 5:39:11 AM UTC-4, T.R.Rajkumar wrote:
> When I do SQLFORM.grid(db.amc_master) without setting any of the 
> readable/writable attributes the grid edit works fine. I am able to edit 
> and the form submits without errors. 
> Even with specifying the fields list grid edit works fine as the edit from 
> has all the fields of the table. 
> But when I set the  readable/writable attributes to filter the fields in 
> edit form the the error 42000 listed above occurs. 

I see the problem. By default, the "id" field is actually set to 
writable=True. It is excluded from SQLFORM database writes not because of 
its "writable" attribute but because the SQLFORM.accepts() code explicitly 
excludes the "id" field. However, the code at this line 
ends up including fields that are in the record by have writable=False. So, 
because your code sets writable=False for all fields except the three 
special fields you have identified, the "id" field ends up getting 
writable=False, which forces it to be included in the database update. To 
fix this, the following should work:

[setattr(f, 'writable', False) for f in db.amc_master
 if f.name not in ['id', 'amcdesc', 'amcmod', 'complndays']]


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