Yes, 'attaching the table' does not allow references. On second thoughts, 
it is somewhat inconvenient to use that feature too.

Let me see if another method will work.

In web2py directory, under site-packages, you can define a module (or a 
simple .py file) wherein you can define the required dictionary and the 
set. Then, In models/ (or any other file in models directory) of any 
application, you can execute that module. (Since the module in 
site-packages is not thread safe, make sure that no application-specific 
variables are used by side-effect in your module). Once you have the dic 
and the set, you can use them in the table definitions through IS_IN_SET 

I am assuming you can update the web2py/site-packages.

Hopefully this solves your problem.


On Tuesday, May 16, 2017 at 5:46:25 PM UTC+5:30, lyn2py wrote:
> Is there is a way to define a table without adding it to the sqlite 
> database? I wish to define a table and have data in that table, but not add 
> it to the sqlite db.
> The reason is because I have a table with a fixed set of data, that I use 
> across different apps.
> Thank you!

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