On Jul 7, 5:12 pm, Rob McC <hgle...@gmail.com> wrote:
> First, web2py looks like an exciting framework, one that I wish to
> learn.
> I admire the efforts of Massimo for moving web2py forward. It must
> require a ton of time.
> I have it working on my Mac, and I am comfortable with getting apps to
> GAE.
> -----------------------------------------------------
> I want to host a simple application on GAE, for very succinct
> "quick tips" for various topics (these will embedd
> to YouTube videos)
> Topics: Teaching and Learning, Programming, Productivity etc.
> I want to start with something that is *known* to work well on GAE
> and
> customize it as a way to learn web2py.
> I guess a very simple Blog/WIki etc. would all do the job for me. I
> have read the differences between web2py
> and GAE on this discussion board.
> Any suggestions?
> ------------------------------------------------------
> I have played with Reddish (Reddit Clone) and see it can easily? be
> hosted on GAE. Maybe that would
> be a good one to customize?
> I really look forward to playing with and learning web2py and I hope I
> can contribute in some way.
> I teach programming at our college. (PHP, Flex, JS etc) and always say
> to my students... I always need a real world "project" to learn
> something new.
> Thanks for your time.
> Rob
Thanks Massimo Once Again for web2py.
I have http://acidstormlabs.appspot.com running on GAE, i still have
some improvements to make, and perhaps would learn a lot from U, if U
wouldn't mind taking a look at my code.I could send it over. Note: I'm
quite a novice programmer, so loads of errors and silly mistakes.
@Massimo, I do not have credit @ the bottom yet, cause I have not
finished, but I have a link in my links bar :-)
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