On Wednesday, April 5, 2017 at 2:18:38 PM UTC-7, Dave S wrote:
> On Wednesday, April 5, 2017 at 7:43:57 AM UTC-7, Alex wrote:
>> Thanks Fabiano.
>> Each subdomain refers to an own application, each with it's own database 
>> since the breeds are not related to each other.
Seems like a good idea to ask how you are using the routes.py modules.  One 
top-level one, at each app-level, or none?

Are you using the same schema for each database?  I only sampled a couple 
> of breeds (Italian Greyhound, frex), so I didn't think to look to see if 
> there was consistency .
> (I'd have looked at Norfolks and MinPins, but evidently none of those 
> breeders have signed on yet)
Also, I missed the shortcut/link back up to the top level site.



> On Wednesday, April 5, 2017 at 2:52:00 AM UTC+2, Fabiano Almeida wrote:
>> Hi Alex!
>> Great design ! Congratulations!
>> I see use of subdomain to breeds, how do you do it?
>> thx,
>> Fabiano.
>> 2017-04-02 17:58 GMT-03:00 Alex <mrau...@gmail.com>:
>>> The section for "Sites Powered by web2py" does not look very promising 
>>> and also seems outdated. Most pages don't have a screenshot and some of 
>>> them are not even working anymore. When I try to visit the first site I get 
>>> a link to an internal error ticket.
>>> Submitting a new page does not work. We tried to add our website but it 
>>> does not show up. Maybe you want to add it: https://breedarchive.com
>>> Further I'd encourage you to completely restructure the powered by 
>>> section because the current page probably has the opposite desired effect 
>>> and scares off new visitors. Hundreds of applications, many of them with 
>>> questionable content, is not really helpful. It would be much better to 
>>> only show a very small selection (~5) of high quality web2py sites. Each 
>>> one with a screenshot and a short description.
>>> regards,
>>> Alex
>>> -- 
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