On Jul 7, 2009, at 11:08 AM, Yarko Tymciurak wrote:

> to be visible throughout your application, you can put it in any  
> file in your models folder  (if you want it to be visible in your  
> db.py or other files in models, remember that files are read in  
> alphabetical order in that file - so for example db.py would not see  
> utils.py if both were in the models folder, since db.py would be  
> parsed before utils.py - you would want to name something like  
> 0_utils.py to take care of that).
> Another alternative is to put utilities into your modules folder (or  
> it can be of another application name on the same web2py instance)  
> and import the utilities in an appropriately early place in one of  
> the files in your application's models file.   Search recent posts  
> for more details on this (eg. __init__.py file, format of the import).


Massimo, a chapter in the manual on web2py plumbing would be helpful.  
Not every detail, but enough to give a newcomer the lay of the land, a  
guide to browsing the source. What's the startup sequence, what  
happens when a request is received, like that. I'm sure I've seen bits  
and pieces of it around, but where is it when I need it....

Along those lines, the browser at 
 > would be more useful if the docstrings for the files had more  
content than "This file is part of web2py Web Framework...".

> On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 8:35 AM, Jonathan Lundell  
> <jlund...@pobox.com> wrote:
> On Jul 6, 2009, at 8:55 PM, mdipierro wrote:
> > You can already define something like:
> >
> > def url(f,args=request.args): return URL(r=request,f=f,args=args)
> >
> > I always do it together with some of my other favorite shortcuts.
> Where does one put something like that, in order to be visible
> throughout an application?

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