Try on action in a component ( click , submit , any event ) make this:

Reload other component .. but before of the reload the component , use the 
javascript to show it and so perform the feature..
I think

The documentation too use the .reload method of jquery lib to reload the 
div that contains the component ( Other approach )

Em sexta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2017 18:25:42 UTC-3, Bernardo Leon 
> Hi, I am trying to create a page that uses 3 components. I want each 
> component to be reusable.
> The first component is a search box, based on the search box result I want 
> to load the second component (a grid) with the first result as a parameter. 
> When I click on a link in the second component grid I want to load a third 
> component based on wich link I pressed in the second component.
> What would be the best way to accomplish this? Making this 3 components 
> interact while maintaining an elegant code and reusability of the 
> components?
> Thank you!

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