Also consider that every time any http request is made that all of your 
modules will be loaded.  It may be helpful to use cache.ram to store your 
database connection so you can re-use it rather than creating a new 
connection to the database on each request.
something like...

self.dal_db = cache.ram('test_database', lambda: DAL(
'sqlite://development.sqlite'), None)

in your open_connection code might get you past this at least until you 
find out the ultimate solution.  

Best of luck...

On Sunday, February 5, 2017 at 7:12:26 AM UTC-8, Jesse Hunt wrote:
> Good afternoon all,
> I am experiencing issues while trying to perform operations using my DAL 
> from a module. I recently moved code from the default controller to a 
> module for better coding practices. The code was running previous to the 
> move, but now I experience an error ( <class 'sqlite3.OperationalError'> 
> database is locked ) everytime I try to run it.
> So far, I have tried:
>    - various additions of small snippets I thought might help me fix the 
>    problem from 
>    - enabling WAL in SQLite from this thread 
> But after searching for the last 3 days, I can not find a solution that 
> matches up with my problem. I will post the code relevant to what is 
> happening. 
> FYI:
>    - There is a scheduler running
>    - The following code is running within a module
>    - I executed the WAL statement in the default controller
> from gluon import current
> from gluon.dal import DAL, Field
> import pymongo
> from datetime import datetime as dt
> from datetime import date
> class mongo_functions:
>     client = None
>     connection = None
>     mongo_db = None
>     db_name = None
>     collection = None
>     collection_name = None
>     dal_name = None
>     dal_db = None
>     def __init__(self, connection=None, db_name=None, collection_name=None
> , dal_name=None):
>         # if settings returns nothing, connect to local DB
>         if connection is None:
>             self.connection = 'mongodb://localhost:27017/'
>         if db_name is None:
>             self.db_name = 'test_database'
>         if collection_name is None:
>             self.collection_name = 'test_s_collection'
>         if dal_name is None:
>             self.dal_name = 'sqlite://development.sqlite'
>         # added after looking at slice referenced above
>         self.session = current.session
>         self.request = current.request
>         self.response = current.response
>         self.cache = current.cache
>     def open_connection(self):
>         self.client = pymongo.MongoClient(self.connection)
>         self.mongo_db = self.client[self.db_name]
>         self.collection = self.mongo_db[self.collection_name]
>         self.dal_db = DAL(self.dal_name)
>         print "Connection to Mongo and DAL open"
>     def close_connection(self):
>         self.collection = None
>         self.mongo_db = None
>         self.client.close()
>         self.dal_db = None
>     # the method below refuses to format itself correctly, assume the 
> tabulation is fine
>     def query_for_service(self, security_name, field, start_date, end_date
> , session_id):
>          self.dal_db.define_table('export_service',
>                              Field('security_name', notnull=True),
>                              Field('field', notnull=True),
>                              Field('date', type='date'),
>                              Field('value'),
>                              Field('session_id'),
>                              format='%(name)-(field)-(date)s')
>     queried_document = collection.find_one({'sec_name': security_name, 
> 'field': field})
>     # data_set is a list of date/value dictionary objects
>     data_set = queried_document['data']
>     # a data_point is a dictionary object with date and value pairs.
>     for data_point in data_set:
>         date_object = data_point['date'].date()
>         print start_date
>         print end_date
>         print date_object
>         export_list = list()
>         if date_object > start_date and date_object < end_date:
>             value = data_point['value']
>             value_dict = {'security_name': security_name, 'field': field, 
> 'date': date_object, 'value': value,
>                           'session_id': session_id}
>             export_list.append(value_dict)
>     self.dal_db.export_service.bulk_insert(export_list)
>     self.dal_db.commit()
> *Thank you in advance for your time, I very sincerely appreciate it!*

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