I have being there :-/ ... what i do was:

1.- Pass your models definitions to models and packages on ``modules``
2.- In the modules put each table definition on a method, for example:

    db = current.db
    if not hasattr(db, 'some_table'):
        db.define_table('some_table', ....)

3.- then whenever a some_other_table depends on some_table, in the
module corresponding to some_other_table you import the corresponding
define_tables of some_table and call it to ensure it get defined
before some_other_table references it.
4.- use conditional models, and in the conditional model of a given
controller you import and call only the one you need.

This way, the imports and define_tables ensure the table definitions
precedences and work out the needed for you.... the downside of
passing models definitions  to modules is that u need to reload the
complete web2py instance... hence, if you are running it trough apache
it must be restarted for changes to refresh.


2017-01-26 7:28 GMT-05:00 Bentorey Hernández Cruz <bentore...@gmail.com>:
> Hi all,
>     I have a question related to table definitions in modules. I'm working
> in an app that has more than a hundred tables and I noticed that even using
> lazy tables it took too much for browsing the site.
>     I decided to move some of the tables to a module and call them on
> demand, and the performance improved a lot.
>     The problem is if there's any way to define new tables from the module.
>    Whatever I do, I get the error:
>   ProgrammingError: ('ERROR', '42P01', 'relation "test_t" does not exist')
> Definition of test_t in module
>> from gluon import *
>> from gluon.dal import Field
>> def defineTEST(db):
>>     if 'test_t' not in db:
>>         db.define_table('test_t',
>>         Field('bid', 'reference b_t', ondelete='CASCADE'),
>>         Field('date', 'date'),
>>         migrate=app_settings.migrate)
> Code added to 10dbmodel.py in models:
>> from app.modules import defineTEST
>> defineTEST(db)
>    And the table is not created.
> Thank you!
> --
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> - http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
> - http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code)
> - https://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/list (Report Issues)
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Yoel Benítez Fonseca
$ python -c "import this"

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