On Wednesday, January 25, 2017 at 4:31:20 PM UTC-8, Leonel Câmara wrote:
> web2py permissions not enough?
> If not, I guess you could make 2 applications which had 2 different 
> users/roles in the same database, the user on the public facing application 
> would have all privileges  revoked and then you would give it only exactly 
> what you want to be public.
> See:
> https://support.chartio.com/knowledgebase/limit-postgresql-user-access-using-schema
> Make sure that the public application has migrate=False as that would 
> probably go very wrong and be careful to define your models according to 
> the views.
> Do understand that your requirement to have the public facing data be 
> realtime makes it almost impossible for the public facing application to 
> not influence the private one's performance. It would be much better if you 
> could make it "near" realtime.

Exporting the public data to a second DB seems like a reasonable way to 
deal with this, but is likely to be "near realtime" rather than "realtime". 
 I've read about such things before, but haven't tried it anywhere.


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