good points!

a wrapper for:
request.wsgi.wsgi_environ['error_message'] = 'Explanation Text'
raise HTTP(400)

would keep it clean and provide a function to document the reason why this
approach is implemented.
You've sold me!

On Thu, 19 Jan 2017 at 11:39 Anthony <> wrote:

> On Thursday, January 19, 2017 at 4:32:51 AM UTC-5, Carl Hunter Roach wrote:
> thanks.
> I don't like adding UI Text to URLs as it's too easy for 3rd-parties to
> generate URls and have your site serve anything they like :)
> Note, this is an *internal* redirect, so the end user never sees the
> query string passed to the error handler -- they continue to see the
> original URL in their browser address bar (i.e., the URL of the page that
> triggered the error).
> Your suggestion of ditching the standard HTTP status codes spurs a
> thought: I could drop Web2py's HTTP altogether and just redirect to my own
> error handler page. That way HTTP remains untouched and it's clearer that
> I've written an alternative implementation.
> Good point -- since you are triggering the error response yourself, you do
> have more control. However, I wouldn't necessarily do a standard 303
> redirect, as that (a) wastes a round trip to the server, and (b) does not
> return the proper HTTP response code with the initial response. Instead,
> though, you can create an error handling function in a model file or module
> and call it from wherever needed. In that handler, you can set
> response.status to the appropriate HTTP status code, which will get sent to
> the browser (along with whatever response is generated by the handler).
> Anthony
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Carl D Hunter Roach

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