Note, if we want to support other patterns of exposing actions in 
controllers (besides "def some_action():"), we could simply change the 
pattern matcher to accommodate other possibilities. You could also simply 
define a function to act like more of a router and include any 
functionality within it that you like.


On Thursday, January 19, 2017 at 6:45:20 AM UTC-5, Anthony wrote:
> On Wednesday, January 18, 2017 at 9:40:35 PM UTC-5, Brendan Barnwell wrote:
>> On Wednesday, January 18, 2017 at 2:12:35 PM UTC-8, Anthony wrote:
>>> A web2py controller is not like a Python module. It is meant to be 
>>> executed in a prepared environment to generate the response to an HTTP 
>>> request. Because the top level of the controller may include code you 
>>> wouldn't want executed unless proceeding with an HTTP request, it must 
>>> first be determined whether the requested function actually exists in the 
>>> file *before* executing it (in order to allow execution to be aborted 
>>> in case the function is not present). Also, when web2py compiles 
>>> applications, it creates a separate bytecode compiled file for each 
>>> function in each controller -- in order to do this, it must know the 
>>> function names, again, without executing the file (as the compilation 
>>> process takes place outside the environment of an HTTP request, and we 
>>> don't want any side effects).
>> I see, thanks.  What kind of things can be usefully done at the top level 
>> that would cause problems outside the request environment?  Most of the 
>> stuff I see looking through the docs is stuff happening internally to 
>> controller functions, except for a small amount of setup stuff (like 
>> "service = Service()") that doesn't appear to have side effects.  Are there 
>> useful web2py design patterns that involve significant logic in the 
>> controller top-level?
> For example, there may be some code that handles authentication for the 
> entire controller or sets some DAL attributes that apply to the entire 
> controller (e.g., defining a _common_filter). This means that to prevent 
> this code from throwing errors, all the model files that would typically 
> run during a request to this controller must be run (and that can be 
> difficult to determine, as it is possible for the model files themselves to 
> dynamically determine which other model files run on any given request).
> Anthony 

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