On Monday, January 16, 2017 at 8:01:56 PM UTC-8, N. Fischer wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am currently working with a friend on a web2py project. This is our 
> first time, we do anything with web2py and we managed to build the reddit 
> clone and do little improvements, Massimo Di Pierro did in his video 
> tutorials, thank you at this point for your great videos.
> Now we want to add some other features and have some problems to implement 
> 2 specific things.
> 1. We want to display how many comments a post has in the overview of the 
> category. But we dont really know how we can access the comments of a post 
> and count them.
> in our database we have the both tables, post and comment. comment has a 
> reference to the post it is connected to. 

For any one post, you'd take its ID and use that in the select statement 
for the comments. 
Something like
post_id = something-previously-determined
query = db(db.comment.post == post_id)

and then use the count() function to get the count.
com_count = query.count();


 If you want the counts for ALL posts, you may be doing a join to be able 
to use all post ids.


> 2. We have a category called "Updates" and we want that only users in the 
> group "admin" can create new posts. Other users shall only be able to 
> comment on these posts.
> @auth.requires_login()
> def create_post():
>         category = get_category()
>         db.post.category.default = category.id
>         form = SQLFORM(db.post).process(next='view_post/[id]');
>         return locals()
> @auth.requires_membership("admin")
> We tried to use an if-statement that it requires an admin membership.
I'd give a shot at moving the "requires_membership" line to right after the 
"requires_login" line,
so that both auth wrappers are decorating the create_post() procedure
Actually, looking at line 23 of
it appears you want to use one decorator (.requires) with both conditions 
in it (requires_login, requires_membership("admin").

Hopefully, there is anyone out there who can help. Thank you for reading 
> this.
> Best regards
> N. Fischer

Good luck!


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