> dir(db._adapter)

 ['POOLS', 'REGEX_TABLE_DOT_FIELD', '__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__',
'__doc__', '__format__', '__getattribute__', '__hash__', '__init__',
'__module__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__',
'__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__',
'_add_operators_to_parsed_row', '_add_reference_sets_to_parsed_row',
'_after_connection', '_available_drivers', '_build_cursor',
'_build_handlers_for_execution', '_build_joins_for_select',
'_cached_select', '_clean_cursors', '_colexpand', '_connection_thname_',
'_connection_uname_', '_count', '_cursors_thname_', '_cursors_uname_',
'_delete', '_driver_from_uri', '_drop_table_cleanup', '_expand',
'_expand_for_index', '_find_work_folder', '_geoexpand',
'_get_or_build_free_cursor', '_initialize_', '_insert',
'_load_dependencies', '_parse', '_parse_expand_colnames', '_pid_',
'_regex_select_as_parser', '_register_extract', '_register_regexp',
'_select', '_select_aux', '_select_aux_execute', '_select_wcols',
'_update', 'adapt', 'adapter_args', 'after_connection',
'after_connection_hook', 'alias', 'bulk_insert', 'can_select_for_update',
'check_active_connection', 'close', 'close_all_instances',
'close_connection', 'close_cursor', 'commit', 'commit_on_alter_table',
'commit_prepared', 'common_filter', 'connection', 'connector', 'count',
'create_index', 'create_sequence_and_triggers', 'create_table',
'credential_decoder', 'cursor', 'cursors', 'db', 'db_codec', 'dbengine',
'dbpath', 'delete', 'dialect', 'distributed_transaction_begin', 'driver',
'driver_args', 'driver_name', 'drivers', 'drop', 'drop_index',
'drop_table', 'execute', 'execution_handlers', 'expand', 'expand_all',
'fetchall', 'fetchone', 'filter_sql_command', 'find_driver', 'folder',
'get_table', 'id_query', 'index_expander', 'insert', 'iterparse',
'iterselect', 'lastrowid', 'lock_cursor', 'migrator', 'parse',
'parse_value', 'parser', 'pool_size', 'prepare', 'reconnect',
'release_cursor', 'represent', 'representer', 'rollback',
'rollback_prepared', 'rowslice', 'select', 'set_folder', 'smart_adapt',
'sqlsafe_field', 'sqlsafe_table', 'support_distributed_transaction',
'table_alias', 'tables', 'test_connection', 'truncate', 'types', 'update',
'uploads_in_blob', 'uri', 'web2py_extract', 'web2py_regexp']

On Wed, Dec 21, 2016 at 12:22 AM, Anthony <abasta...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Not sure what's going on. You'll have to do some digging around. Maybe do
> a dir(db._adapter) to see what the object is.
> Anthony
> On Tuesday, December 20, 2016 at 4:03:27 PM UTC-5, Jurgis Pralgauskis
> wrote:
>> it just has what  standar app gets:
>>     db = DAL(myconf.get('db.uri'),
>>              pool_size=myconf.get('db.pool_size'),
>>              migrate_enabled=myconf.get('db.migrate'),
>>              check_reserved=['all'])
>> @appconfig.ini
>> [db]
>> uri       = sqlite://storage.sqlite
>> On Tue, Dec 20, 2016 at 4:42 PM, Anthony wrote:
>>> How have you defined db? The _adapter attribute of a DAL instance should
>>> be a "SQLiteAdapter" object when using SQLite, not a "SQLite" object.
>>> Anthony
>>> On Tuesday, December 20, 2016 at 5:00:02 AM UTC-5, Jurgis Pralgauskis
>>> wrote:
>>>> I have searchform,
>>>> where one can define various fields and mapping to expressions for
>>>> comparison,
>>>> and it automatically constructs select query,
>>>> but if I want to check if expression is aggregate, and direct thesese
>>>> queries to "having"
>>>> but if I try
>>>> if filter.target_expression.op == db._adapter.AGGREGATE:
>>>> I get
>>>> AttributeError: 'SQLite' object has no attribute 'AGGREGATE'
>>>> --
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>> --
>> Jurgis Pralgauskis
>> tel: 8-616 77613;
>> Don't worry, be happy and make things better ;)
>> http://galvosukykla.lt
> --
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> - http://web2py.com
> - http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
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Jurgis Pralgauskis
tel: 8-616 77613;
Don't worry, be happy and make things better ;)

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