It would be the case if one were cloned from the other.

- Scott

On Wednesday, December 14, 2016 at 3:54:44 PM UTC-5, Richard wrote:
> You should check if both data set are the same which shouldn't be the case 
> for the machine you experiment the issue with...
> On Wed, Dec 14, 2016 at 3:27 PM, Scott Hunter < 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> I have just tried it on a different OS X machine (but same version of the 
>> OS), and did not see the problem.  And I didn't see it on pythonanywhere, 
>> so I guess it is just that one machine.
>> - Scott
>> On Wednesday, December 14, 2016 at 2:03:10 PM UTC-5, Anthony wrote:
>>> Sorry, I cannot reproduce running on Ubuntu -- both printouts as well as 
>>> the first page of the grid (after sorting on Myfield2) all have the same 20 
>>> records when I run it. Maybe someone else can try it on OSX. What happens 
>>> if you run the OSX binary version of web2py?
>>> Anthony
>>> On Tuesday, December 13, 2016 at 6:43:57 PM UTC-5, Scott Hunter wrote:
>>>> If I make a fresh, new app from the Administrative Interface, and 
>>>> replace the contents of with the following, it will print the 
>>>> first 20 records that should show up in the grid, first without using 
>>>> limityby (and using a counter to stop at 20), and then with limityby; the 
>>>> second is missing records from the first, and matches what appears on the 
>>>> first sorted page of the grid.
>>>> {The main contents of views/default/index.html need to be replaced with 
>>>> {{=form}} as well, to see the grid)
>>>> import random
>>>> def index():
>>>>     db.define_table('mytable', Field('myfield1', 'string'), 
>>>> Field('myfield2', 'string'))
>>>>     f2is1_ids = [ for x in db(db.mytable.myfield1=="A").select(
>>>>     if len(f2is1_ids)==0:
>>>>         db.mytable.truncate()
>>>>         for v1 in random.sample(xrange(10000),200):
>>>>             for v2 in random.sample("ABCDE",3):
>>>>                 db.mytable.insert( myfield2="Value%05d"%v1, myfield1=v2 
>>>> )
>>>>         f2is1_ids = [ for x in db(db.mytable.myfield1=="A").select(
>>>>     query =
>>>>     i = 0
>>>>     for d in db(query).select(orderby=db.mytable.myfield2):
>>>>         print "%5d", d.myfield1, d.myfield2
>>>>         i += 1
>>>>         if i==20:
>>>>             break
>>>>     print"---"
>>>>     for d in 
>>>> db(query).select(orderby=db.mytable.myfield2,limitby=(0,20)):
>>>>         print "%5d", d.myfield1, d.myfield2
>>>>     args = { 'orderby':db.mytable.myfield1, 'editable':False, 
>>>> 'deletable':False}
>>>>     form = SQLFORM.grid(query, csv=False, details=False, 
>>>> searchable=False, create=False,
>>>>             paginate = 20,
>>>>             orderby=db.mytable.myfield1, editable=False, 
>>>> deletable=False)
>>>>     return locals()
>>>> On Tuesday, December 13, 2016 at 3:01:19 PM UTC-5, Anthony wrote:
>>>>> While including id may make a difference in general, it should (and 
>>>>>> did) not in this case: the reason for the long belongs list is that 
>>>>>> queries 
>>>>>> are made to insure that no 2 records with the same Dog_ID appear in that 
>>>>>> list.
>>>>> Sorry, I didn't notice that the first field in your print statements 
>>>>> was f_Dog_ID (thought it was just the id field).
>>>>> Anyway, it's not clear what the problem is. I suggest you pack and 
>>>>> attach a minimal app that exhibits the behavior.
>>>>> Anthony
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