Thanks, Marlysson. I understand why it's going wrong when the user changes 
their own level.  My question was aimed a finding out if web2py had a 
convenience function to refresh auth.user from db.auth_user.  Otherwise I 
have to use an ugly construct like:

        aid = # raises AttributeError if not logged in.
        authlevel = db( == aid).select()[0].userlevel
    except AttributeError:
        authlevel = 0        

On Friday, October 7, 2016 at 8:27:10 AM UTC-4, Marlysson Silva wrote:
> Isn't because you are putting the level user hardcoded? There after that 
> user change own level , the verification don't works more.
> 1. If you want that user name are unique mark at table the field with 
> validator unique=True
> 2. The size of rows returned could be made with count() , db(query).count()
> Em quinta-feira, 6 de outubro de 2016 19:15:02 UTC-3, Michael Ellis 
> escreveu:
>>  I have the following code as a json service for changing user 
>> privileges.  This app doesn't need the fine-grained control of Web2py RBAC 
>> so I've added an integer userlevel field to auth_user.  It mostly works as 
>> intended except when a logged in user alters her own userlevel.  The change 
>> isn't detected unless she logs out and then back in.  I understand this is 
>> because the auth.user record is cached in the session.  What's the right 
>> way to update a logged in user whose auth_user record may have changed?
>> @service.json
>> def set_user_group():
>>     """
>>     Changes a user's group (userlevel)
>>     Args:
>>         first_name,last_name, newgroup in request.args
>>     Returns: error message if auth fails
>>     Raises:  Nothing
>>     """
>>     err = None
>>     if auth.is_logged_in() and auth.user.userlevel >=  2:
>>         # Ok to change it
>>         first, last, newgroup = tuple(request.args)[-3:]
>>         tbl = db.auth_user
>>         qry = ((tbl.first_name == first) & (tbl.last_name == last))
>>         rows = db(qry).select()
>>         assert len(rows) <= 1  ## should be impossible to have duplicate 
>> names
>>         if len(rows) == 0:
>>             err = "User '{} {}' not found in database!".format(first, 
>> last)
>>         else:
>>             id = rows[0][]
>>             newlevel = dict(user=0, tech=1, admin=2)[newgroup.lower()]
>>             db( == id).update(userlevel=newlevel)
>>     else:
>>         err = "Changing user groups requires log-in with admin privileges"
>>     return dict(msg=err)               

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