First of all I refer you to niphlod which is very comprehensive. Let me add 
something in relation to your last questions.

When you run web2py with rocket, rocket uses threads. When you run web2py 
with nginx+uwsgi, uwsgi runs in emperor mode and it uses multiple processes 
(not threads) and you can specify the number of workers.

Another solution for multiple web2py porcesses is nginx + gunicorn 

There is an almost unlimited number of combinations of WSGI server and load 
balancers that support threads, processes, async. We recommend nginx+uwsgi. 
it works and scales well with no known memory issues.

On Wednesday, 21 September 2016 08:37:21 UTC-5, Pierre wrote:
> Hi,
> I am very familiar with the concepts of threads, processes and scaling 
> issues. What i understand so far is:
> (1) a web2py application process manages a number of threads dealing with 
> requests
> (2) I can run one or more additional scheduler processes to unload the 
> main process (#1)
> doing (2) I may end up with more computing power allocated to  schedulers 
> than to the w2p application ?
> (3) I read that an Oracle server can run in multi-process mode but every 
> process is independant ?
> what for to run the same app in multi-process mode if processes can't 
> coordinate themselves ?
> is this only good in the case of independant applications running on the 
> same server ?
> Can a web2py app run in multi-process mode and stay synchronized ? if not 
> how to scale it besides adding more threads to the main process?

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