First, you should move all of that logic out of the view and into a 
controller. Have the controller generate a URL and a message, and just pass 
the URL and message to the view. This will make the code much easier to 
read, test, and debug.

Second, if you just need to check whether some records exist, use 
db(query).isempty(), which ultimately calls .count() -- this is more 
efficient than unnecessarily retrieving and parsing all the actual records.

Regarding your question, please explain further what you mean by "doesn't 
work". Do you receive an error? If so, let's see the traceback. Otherwise, 
what do you expect, and what do you observe instead? It would probably also 
help to show the controller code of the main page, and possibly relevant 
parts of your models.


On Friday, September 23, 2016 at 7:13:20 AM UTC-4, Steve Joe wrote:
> in view:
> {{if not (}}
> {{if db((db.friends.friend1==auth.user_id) & (db.friends.friend2==
> or db((db.friends.friend2==auth.user_id) & 
> (}}
> <p>
> </p>
> {{elif db((db.friend_requests.requester==auth.user_id) & 
> (}}
> <p>
>     Your friend request is yet to be confirmed by this user. <a 
> href="{{=URL('user','deletefr', args=[, 
> username])}}">DELETE Friend request.</a>
> </p>
> {{elif db(( & 
> (db.friend_requests.declarer==auth.user_id)).select():}}
> THIS PERSON SENT YOU A FRIEND REQUEST. <a href="{{=URL('user','accept', 
> args=[, username])}}">ACCEPT FRIEND REQUEST</a>
> {{else:}}
> <a href="{{=URL('user','addtocircle', args=[, 
> username])}}">ADD THIS PERSON TO YOUR CIRCLE</a>
> {{pass}}
> in controller:
> def addtocircle():
>     db.friend_requests.insert(requester= auth.user_id, declarer= 
> request.args[0])
>     redirect(URL('user','index', args=request.args[1]))
> def deletefr():
>     db((db.friend_requests.requester== auth.user_id) & 
> (db.friend_requests.declarer== request.args[0])).delete()
>     redirect(URL('user','index', args=request.args[1]))
> def accept():
>     db((db.friend_requests.requester== auth.user_id) & 
> (db.friend_requests.declarer== request.args[0])).delete()
>     db.friends.insert(friend1 = auth.user_id, friend2 = request.args[0])
>     redirect(URL('user','index', args=request.args[1]))
> everything except the first statement in accept for deletion doesn't work 
> which should actually work because the same works for deletefr() too!

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