Thanks, Massimo.  I'm using web2py as an interface to an industrial process
controller.  The default rocket server and sqlite3 db are fine for this app
as it will never be serving pages to more than 2 or 3 clients at time
(usually just one via localhost).  The process I want to label needs to be
the same one your startup message advises to kill with SIGTERM.  That's the
one that runs the model and controller on each page request, right?

Your suggestion to paste into the body of my top-level process is

Looking at the code in and considering that 1) my code will never
run as a frozen exe on Windows and 2) I can ignore at least for now the
coverage import, it appears I could reduce it to:

import os

import sys

path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))  # alter to make sure we
point toplevel web2py dir.


sys.path = [path] + [p for p in sys.path if not p == path]

# important that this import is after the os.chdir

import gluon.widget

# Start Web2py (without cron service) !

#TODO fix up sys.args to match my use case

#TODO call setproctitle here


So if I wrap all the above in a function,  would I be able to launch it
successfully with multiprocessing.Process? That would be a real help as I
could then dispense with a top-level shell script that's now launching
web2py separately from my other processes.   And would the setproctitle()
call give the desired result or would I need to push that down into


On Tue, Aug 16, 2016 at 7:55 PM Massimo Di Pierro <> wrote:

> Not clear what you mean by what web2py starts. depending on the web server
> there may be more than one process and the web server manages those. My
> guess is that you want it done at the level of the web2py server rocket. In
> which case I would copy into and edit the latter.
> On Tuesday, 9 August 2016 10:48:10 UTC-5, Michael Ellis wrote:
>> I'm running web2py in conjunction with a suite of other, independent,
>> python processes.  In development I often want to 'ps' or kill the entire
>> suite from the command line.  I've found the Python setproctitle module
>> really useful for prepending a common label to all the process titles.
>> In each process's __main__ code, I use something like the following:
>> from setproctitle import setproctitle, getproctitle
>> _proclabel = "thisapp"
>> if not getproctitle().startswith(_proclabel):
>>     setproctitle(_proclabel + '  ' + getproctitle())
>> This puts the label at the front, so I can do things like
>> ps ax | grep 'thisapp'
>> 17162 s000  S      0:00.15 thisapp processes
>> 17163 s000  S      0:00.02 thisapp simulation_service
>> 17164 s000  S      0:00.06 thisapp statehouse_service
>> 17167 s000  S      0:00.08 thisapp serial_interface_service
>> 17168 s000  S      0:00.01 thisapp email_service
>> 17169 s000  S      0:00.05 thisapp periodic_serial_query_service
>> I want to also label the web2py process at startup.  So far, the only way
>> I've found is to include the setproctitle code in an app's model file
>> and then have my startup script fetch the index page after web2py is up and
>> running.
>> It would be nicer to be able to put it in script that runs once as
>> starts, but there doesn't seem to be a way to do that without the
>> -R option which is recommended on for -S shell invocations of web2py.
>> I'd rather not hack or one of the gluon modules.  Is there a
>> better way?
>> Thanks!
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