Yes, .w2p.
It is my plugin, I have packed it in one web2py app using admin (and in ark 
I see all ~5 files inside),
In second app I am trying to install/unpack it.

Plugin is in attachment.

I have renamed all files to managegroups (without underscore) too, to see 
if problem isn't the 2nd underscore character. But result is same: Just the 
file models/plugin_manage[_] will unpack and then it fails.

Dne sobota 6. srpna 2016 9:29:56 UTC+2 Massimo Di Pierro napsal(a):
> Why are you uploading it as a plugin? Is it *.plugin.*.w2p? Do you know it 
> is a plugin and not an app? 
> If it is an app you need to upload it from the form on the right of the 
> main site page.
> On Thursday, 4 August 2016 06:23:35 UTC-5, Mirek Zvolský wrote:
>> I have the .w2p file on disk.
>> I choose it in Admin interface, edit application, plugins, upload.
>> Then only first file from the plugin is properly unpacked,
>> other files aren't.
>> Then the error will flash: "App does not exist or you are not authorized"
>> I am trying to debug it and see that
>> redirect to admin/default/get_app is called twice:
>> - first with parameter = application name --> no problem
>> - second call is without parameter - which causes Error message and 
>> redirect to admin main page.
>> Is this a bug?
>> Or what can I do better?
>> I have tested it with 2.14.5 and with today trunk versions.
>> Behavior is the same :(

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Attachment: web2py.plugin.manage_groups.w2p
Description: Binary data

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