Can you point to any other web framework that allows reverse mapping 
path_info into query_string?

I am not aware of other frameworks that allow this. I would like to see 
what syntax they use. 


On Sunday, 31 July 2016 09:53:28 UTC-5, Carlos Cesar Caballero wrote:
> Many thanks for your answer Massimo.
> I hope that you accept my next words as a constructive criticism.
> Because of "little things" like this, so many developers do not like 
> web2py, the router should be completly independent from the app code, so 
> any changes on the router will not affect the app code, right now I will 
> need to build my app using a different framework.
> Of course I will continue using web2py, but will be great if I could use 
> it without problems when my applications demands more exigent use cases. Of 
> course, the most of the people do not think like me and begin to use 
> another framework that works either with small and complicated 
> applications, thats why they don't like and don't use web2py, not because 
> they are "purists"
> Greetings.
> El domingo, 31 de julio de 2016, 2:39:17 (UTC-4), Massimo Di Pierro 
> escribió:
>> This is a limitation with routes out. The left hand side cannot contain 
>> "?" and vars.
>> You can maps path_info into request.vars in the way but not the vice 
>> versa in the way out. You have to put the language in the args and the do 
>> the remapping on the way out.
>> On Friday, 29 July 2016 23:12:07 UTC-5, Carlos Cesar Caballero wrote:
>>> Hi everyone, again with problems with the router here, I have this rule 
>>> in routes_in, and is working pefectly:
>>> ('/$lang/$country/$state/$city(?P<any>.*)', 
>>> '/{app}/city/view\g<any>?lang=$lang&country=$country&state=$state&city=$city'.format(app=app))
>>> This maps the url and I can use the language, the country, the city and 
>>> the state as variables in my controller, the problem is with the routes_out:
>>> ( 
>>> '/{app}/city/view(?P<any>.*)?lang=$lang&country=$country&state=$state&city=$city'.format(app=app),
>>> '/$lang/$country/$state/$city\g<any>')
>>> Always that I put something like ?lang=lang in routes_out it breaks, 
>>> gives no error, but the rule don't work.
>>> I am having other problem, and is with the url vars position, web2py 
>>> uses a dictionary in some step and don't keep the url vars order (even if I 
>>> use a orderedDict in the URL() vars argument). I have used the Yii2 
>>> framework router and it don't care about the url vars order. We have, or 
>>> can we have something similar with web2py?
>>> Greetings.
>>> El jueves, 7 de julio de 2016, 8:50:46 (UTC-4), Carlos Cesar Caballero 
>>> escribió:
>>>> Hi, I need some starting point to implement the URL based 
>>>> internationalization using the pattern based router, I really need to use 
>>>> the router, but there is so little documentation...
>>>> I am clonning our yii2 cms base application (supporting right now sites 
>>>> like, 
>>>> and and it is 
>>>> almost done (you can look working in but I need 
>>>> to add some functionalities with the router before sharing it to everyone.
>>>> Greetings.

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