Finally I realized it using

session.testing = False / True

Because I think the resulting plugin_splinter is interesting (for somebody),
I hope I will publish it and write more later.

Dne pondělí 18. července 2016 11:55:57 UTC+2 Mirek Zvolský napsal(a):
> 1.
> I use postgres database dbapp
> I am trying to make splinter tests and want to run them over the 2nd 
> database dbapp_tests.
> When I switch to the testing database (which is EMPTY include the 
> auth_user table)
> I am logged in thanks the session:
> auth.user and auth.user_id are both set (but auth_user is EMPTY).
> Can I avoid this, without deleting sessions for the normal work?
> I have ideas for some workarounds, like:
> - populate dbapp_tests with single auth_user row (mine...)
> - move sessions into database
> But I'm asking, if somebody has idea how to switch both databases more 
> clever.
> Thank you...
> 2.
> I have no good idea how to easy switch between normal and testing database.
> At this time I use port (8000/8001), but this works on development, not on 
> production.
> What is better?

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