I can relate to that behavior as I also see a memory usage increase from 
just running web2py, but I don't know if it's the same thing as what was 
described by the OP.

OS X El Capitan
Python 2.7.10  (default, Sep 23 2015, 04:34:21)

[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 7.0.0 (clang-700.0.72)] on darwin
Web2py Version 2.14.6-stable+timestamp.2016.

If I just type 'python web2py.py' on a terminal window I do see the python 
process in activity monitor show an increasing memory allocation right 
away.  I don't even need to click the 'start server' button on the web2py 
dialog that shows up after typing the python command.  Every time activity 
monitor refreshes the entry (once every 2 seconds?) I see the memory 
allocated to the python process to increase by a megabyte or 2.

Doesn't really cause a major issue on my side.  I can run my web2py apps 
and for days.  I never see any crashes.  Of course after a few days the 
python process has allocated a few gigabytes of memory (sometimes over 9 
gb) and by then the computer is using the swap file for everything so 
overall performance is very poor.  Quick restart of the python process 
cures the problem, at least for a few more days until I'm back at the same 
situation of high memory utilization.
But again I've never seen any application crashes on my side nor I run 
anything in production mode so this has never bothered me.  I always 
thought I had something configured improperly.

Hope this helps,

On Saturday, June 18, 2016 at 12:06:57 PM UTC-5, Anthony wrote:
> If I download source and run from python 2.7.11, I get a slow memory leak 
>> (1.1MB/minute before the server is started, 2.5MB/sec when the server is 
>> started).
> This sounds suspicious. How can web2py be causing a memory leak if you are 
> not running it? Are you suggesting that if you merely download the web2py 
> source code onto your computer but do absolutely nothing with it, a memory 
> leak mysteriously materializes?
> Anthony

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