Finally, you were right that it was not clear what needs to be modular. 
What I had in mind, but did not explain, my mistake, is that the wrapper 
cannot belong to anything that is not authored by the installer and thus 
could be erased by some update.  This even include an update of the 
operating system. This is not a weird expectation - this is the very reason 
why we have an Home directory.  Your first option was half the way 
satisfactory because, if I understood it well, it meant to modify, which is not updated when we reinstall web2py. I did not 
look at what it means to modify, but if it is updated when we 
update web2py, then it is not what I want. The idea of mentioning a wrapper 
application, which I did not explain, my mistake,  is that, I assume that 
it can be located in the home directory and it will only be updated when it 
is itself updated, not when we update the wrapped application or web2py or 
even the operating system. Again, this is a very natural request, because 
it is the very reason why we have an home directory, which can even be on 
its own partition in Ubuntu.  In the context of configuration information, 
including the location of the config file, it is the most natural thing.  
Sorry, if I again defend my question, well, I mean, the question that I had 
in mind. It is not an attack against web2py. I am not trying to find a 
problem with web2py.  There might be a very good reason why what I want is 
not possible with web2py, if it is not possible.  I just want to learn.   

On Sunday, 19 June 2016 00:13:17 UTC-4, Anthony wrote:
> OK, no worries. Thanks for clarifying.
> One other option that would be entirely outside the application is putting 
> something like the following in
> from gluon.settings import global_settings
> global_settings.mysetting = 'some value'
> Then you can import and access the global settings from within the 
> application.
> Anthony
> On Saturday, June 18, 2016 at 9:05:01 PM UTC-4, Dominic Mayers wrote:
>> Your description of what happened is accurate and I realize that I was 
>> needlessly on the defensive, as if you were telling me that my question was 
>> a bad one. There was no intention to be rude. I was just defending my 
>> question.  I realize that you simply tried to help and feel bad about my 
>> reply. As I am new with web2py, your help is very much appreciated. I am 
>> still looking at the WSGI middleware option.  Thank you for your guidance. 
>> On Saturday, 18 June 2016 20:16:03 UTC-4, Anthony wrote:
>>> On Saturday, June 18, 2016 at 1:35:40 PM UTC-4, Dominic Mayers wrote:
>>>> Had I been happy with "you just have to ensure that the update 
>>>> mechanism doesn't allow that file to be overwritten or deleted.", then I 
>>>> would not have asked the question.
>>> Hi Dominic,
>>> You seem to be new here. For future reference, note that we generally 
>>> try to be more respectful with our responses, particularly as everyone who 
>>> contributes here does so voluntarily.
>>> Anyway, as I noted, it was difficult to know what you would have "been 
>>> happy with," as you did not articulate the nature of the update mechanism. 
>>> For example, if someone sends you a zipped application folder, you could 
>>> simply unzip it over a fixed "wrapper" application (setting the unzip 
>>> options to prevent overwriting). Furthermore, I only offered that option as 
>>> a possibly simpler alternative depending on your use case, already having 
>>> explained the more robust WSGI middleware option.
>>> Anthony

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