I would download and start fresh... How did you get 2.14.5? git clone? If
so did you clone --recursive?

On Thu, Jun 16, 2016 at 12:41 PM, Richard Vézina <
ml.richard.vez...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Do they share the same Database, if not it make no sens that auth_user
> already exists... Did you modify the welcome app.ini db config? I ask
> because web2py use welcome as template for new app...
> On Thu, Jun 16, 2016 at 12:36 PM, Marty Jones <murtin.jo...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> The reason I suspect a non-application-specific issue is that creating a
>> new simple app from the web2py admin console results in a similar database
>> issue. Visiting the default/index of the new app spits back:
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>   File "/home/murtyjones/app/gluon/restricted.py", line 227, in restricted
>>     exec ccode in environment
>>   File "/home/murtyjones/app/applications/test_users/models/db.py" 
>> <https://nolabills.com/admin/default/edit/test_users/models/db.py>, line 93, 
>> in <module>
>>     auth.define_tables(username=False, signature=False)
>>   File "/home/murtyjones/app/gluon/tools.py", line 2376, in define_tables
>>     format='%(first_name)s %(last_name)s (%(id)s)'))
>>   File "/home/murtyjones/app/gluon/packages/dal/pydal/base.py", line 576, in 
>> define_table
>>     table = self.lazy_define_table(tablename,*fields,**args)
>>   File "/home/murtyjones/app/gluon/packages/dal/pydal/base.py", line 615, in 
>> lazy_define_table
>>     polymodel=polymodel)
>>   File "/home/murtyjones/app/gluon/packages/dal/pydal/adapters/base.py", 
>> line 768, in create_table
>>     return self.migrator.create_table(*args, **kwargs)
>>   File "/home/murtyjones/app/gluon/packages/dal/pydal/migrator.py", line 
>> 269, in create_table
>>     self.adapter.create_sequence_and_triggers(query, table)
>>   File "/home/murtyjones/app/gluon/packages/dal/pydal/adapters/base.py", 
>> line 820, in create_sequence_and_triggers
>>     self.execute(query)
>>   File "/home/murtyjones/app/gluon/packages/dal/pydal/adapters/__init__.py", 
>> line 68, in wrap
>>     return f(*args, **kwargs)
>>   File "/home/murtyjones/app/gluon/packages/dal/pydal/adapters/base.py", 
>> line 417, in execute
>>     rv = self.cursor.execute(command, *args[1:], **kwargs)
>> OperationalError: table auth_user already exists
>> On Thursday, June 16, 2016 at 12:28:35 PM UTC-4, Richard wrote:
>>> There shouldn't be issue specific to SQLite (I mean it should work
>>> properly), though there is maybe a specific unnoticed issue with it as
>>> there has been a big refactoring of pyDAL, I don't recall it the refactored
>>> pyDAL was present in 2.14.5
>>> On Thu, Jun 16, 2016 at 12:22 PM, Marty Jones <murtin...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Done - no change.
>>>> Is it possible that the issue is SQLite specific and I need to migrate
>>>> to MySQL or some other db?
>>>> On Thursday, June 16, 2016 at 12:14:51 PM UTC-4, Richard wrote:
>>>>> Can you comment out the part of the scheduler, the db lock file may
>>>>> come from there...
>>>>> On Thu, Jun 16, 2016 at 12:05 PM, Marty Jones <murtin...@gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Controller logic is below. Error 1 is occuring under the "dashboard"
>>>>>> function. Errors 2/3 under the user function.
>>>>>> # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
>>>>>> # this file is released under public domain and you can use without
>>>>>> limitations
>>>>>> ###############################################################################
>>>>>> ## Launch with all settings via "sudo python run_server.py"
>>>>>> ###############################################################################
>>>>>> import operator # needed for manager_status variable
>>>>>> response.title = 'nolabills'
>>>>>> def jspage():
>>>>>>     link = URL('static', 'main.js')
>>>>>>     return dict(link=link)
>>>>>> def index():
>>>>>>     """
>>>>>>     For registered users, redirects to the requests page
>>>>>>     For unregistered users, displays intro message
>>>>>>     """
>>>>>>     signup = URL(a=request.application, c='default',
>>>>>> f='user/register')
>>>>>>     return dict(is_logged_in=auth.is_logged_in(), signup=signup)
>>>>>> @auth.requires_membership('manager')
>>>>>> def manage():
>>>>>>     """
>>>>>>     This page, accessible by only managers, shows the current
>>>>>> employees
>>>>>>     of a company as well as any users who are registering themselves
>>>>>> as
>>>>>>     employees of the company.
>>>>>>     From this page a manager can approve a pending user's membership,
>>>>>>     as well as revoke the membership of a user on the current
>>>>>> employee list.
>>>>>>     """
>>>>>>     pending_list = []
>>>>>>     approved_list = []
>>>>>>     if request.post_vars:
>>>>>>         for each in request.post_vars:
>>>>>>             key = request.post_vars.keys()[0]
>>>>>>             underscore = key.find('_')
>>>>>>             id = key[0:underscore]
>>>>>>             change = key[underscore+1:len(key)]
>>>>>>             change = None if change == "approve" else "unapproved"
>>>>>>             # modify db accordingly
>>>>>>             record = db(db.auth_user.id==id).select().first()
>>>>>>             record.registration_key=change
>>>>>>             record.update_record()
>>>>>>     for row in db().select():
>>>>>>     #for row in db(db.auth_user.company==auth.user.company).select():
>>>>>>         if row.registration_key: # if pending approval by manager
>>>>>>             pending_list.append({row.id:
>>>>>> {"first":row.first_name,"last":row.last_name}})
>>>>>>         else:
>>>>>>             manager_status = auth.has_membership('manager', row.id)
>>>>>>             approved_list.append({row.id:
>>>>>> {"first":row.first_name,"last":row.last_name,"manager_status":manager_status}})
>>>>>>     return dict(pending_list=pending_list,
>>>>>> approved_list=approved_list)
>>>>>> @auth.requires_login()
>>>>>> def dashboard():
>>>>>>     """
>>>>>>     This page allows a user to send an email to
>>>>>>     a potential customer, requesting access to bill data
>>>>>>     """
>>>>>>     i = 0
>>>>>>     already_submitted = False # default is false; can only be changed
>>>>>> if request.post_vars == True
>>>>>>     # SQLFORM version
>>>>>>     data_requests =
>>>>>> SQLFORM.grid(db(db.data_requests.company==auth.user.company),
>>>>>>                                  fields=[db.data_requests.last_name, \
>>>>>>                                          db.data_requests.first_name,
>>>>>> \
>>>>>>                                          db.data_requests.email, \
>>>>>>                                          db.data_requests.status, \
>>>>>>                                          db.data_requests.bill_1,
>>>>>>                                          ],
>>>>>>  headers={'data_requests.bill_1':'Most Recent Bill'},
>>>>>>                                  sortable=False,
>>>>>>                                  create=False,
>>>>>>                                  editable=False,
>>>>>>                                  deletable=True,
>>>>>>                                  details=False,
>>>>>>                                  maxtextlength=30,
>>>>>>                                  csv=False,
>>>>>>                                  upload=URL('download'),
>>>>>>                                  )
>>>>>>     pending_list = db().select(db.data_requests.email)
>>>>>>     # if a new request has been made, update the database
>>>>>>     if request.post_vars:
>>>>>>         while not already_submitted and i <= len(data_requests):
>>>>>>             already_submitted = [True for row in pending_list if
>>>>>> row.email == request.post_vars.email]
>>>>>>             i += 1
>>>>>>         from entergy_scraper import download
>>>>>>         from mailer import send_request
>>>>>>         if not already_submitted:
>>>>>>             # generate token
>>>>>>             import random, base64, sha
>>>>>>             token =
>>>>>> base64.b64encode(sha.sha(str(random.random())).hexdigest())[:8]
>>>>>>             db.tokens.insert(token = token,
>>>>>>                              first_name =
>>>>>> request.post_vars.first_name,
>>>>>>                              last_name = request.post_vars.last_name,
>>>>>>                              email = request.post_vars.email,
>>>>>>                              company = auth.user.company,
>>>>>>                              )
>>>>>>             # send request to user
>>>>>>             db.scheduler_task.insert(status = 'QUEUED',
>>>>>>                                      application_name =
>>>>>> request.application+'/default',
>>>>>>                                      task_name = 'request',
>>>>>>                                      group_name = 'email',
>>>>>>                                      function_name = 'send_request',
>>>>>>                                      args = '["{0}", "{1}", "{2}",
>>>>>> "{3}"]'.format( \
>>>>>>                                          request.post_vars.first,
>>>>>> request.post_vars.last, request.post_vars.email, token),
>>>>>>                                      vars = '{}',
>>>>>>                                      enabled = True,
>>>>>>                                      start_time = request.now,
>>>>>>                                      timeout = 500, # should take
>>>>>> less than 500 secs
>>>>>>                                      )
>>>>>>             # update data_requests to show that the task is
>>>>>>             db.data_requests.insert(first_name =
>>>>>> request.post_vars.first_name,
>>>>>>                                     last_name =
>>>>>> request.post_vars.last_name,
>>>>>>                                     email = request.post_vars.email,
>>>>>>                                     company = auth.user.company,
>>>>>>                                     status = 'AWAITING_CUSTOMER',
>>>>>>                                     )
>>>>>>     return dict(already_submitted=already_submitted,
>>>>>> data_requests=data_requests, pending_list=pending_list)
>>>>>> def approve_request():
>>>>>>     """
>>>>>>     Allows a customer to approve a data request
>>>>>>     """
>>>>>>     submitted = 'submitted'
>>>>>>     valid_token = 'valid_token'
>>>>>>     invalid_token = 'invalid_token'
>>>>>>     # if the user has submitted their data and it's not already in
>>>>>> the database, let them know we'll get their data
>>>>>>     if request.post_vars:
>>>>>>         status = submitted
>>>>>>         token_submitted = True if db(db.data_requests.email ==
>>>>>> request.post_vars.email).select(db.tokens.submitted).first() else False
>>>>>>         if token_submitted == False:
>>>>>>         # download data
>>>>>>             db.data_requests.insert(first_name =
>>>>>> request.post_vars.first_name,
>>>>>>                                     last_name =
>>>>>> request.post_vars.last_name,
>>>>>>                                     email = request.post_vars.email,
>>>>>>                                     company = auth.user.company,
>>>>>>                                     energy_username =
>>>>>> request.post_vars.energy_username,
>>>>>>                                     energy_password =
>>>>>> request.post_vars.energy_password,
>>>>>>                                     )
>>>>>>     # if no submission of info, try to give them the option to do so
>>>>>>     else:
>>>>>>         try:
>>>>>>             status = valid_token
>>>>>>             token = request.get_vars.token
>>>>>>             token_row = db(db.tokens.token == token).select().first()
>>>>>>             first_name = token_row.first_name
>>>>>>             last_name = token_row.last_name
>>>>>>             email = token_row.email
>>>>>>         except:
>>>>>>             status = invalid_token
>>>>>>     if status == submitted or status == invalid_token:
>>>>>>         return dict(status=status, submitted=submitted,
>>>>>> invalid_token=invalid_token, token_submitted=token_submitted)
>>>>>>     else:
>>>>>>         return dict(status=status, first_name=first_name,
>>>>>> last_name=last_name, email=email, submitted=False, invalid_token=False,
>>>>>> token_submitted=False)
>>>>>> def user():
>>>>>>     """
>>>>>>     exposes:
>>>>>>     http://..../[app]/default/user/login
>>>>>>     http://..../[app]/default/user/logout
>>>>>>     http://..../[app]/default/user/register
>>>>>>     http://..../[app]/default/user/profile
>>>>>>     http://..../[app]/default/user/retrieve_password
>>>>>>     http://..../[app]/default/user/change_password
>>>>>>     http://..../[app]/default/user/bulk_register
>>>>>>     use @auth.requires_login()
>>>>>>         @auth.requires_membership('group name')
>>>>>>         @auth.requires_permission('read','table name',record_id)
>>>>>>     to decorate functions that need access control
>>>>>>     also notice there is http://..../[app]/appadmin/manage/auth to
>>>>>> allow administrator to manage users
>>>>>>     """
>>>>>>     return dict(form=auth())
>>>>>> @cache.action()
>>>>>> def download():
>>>>>>     """
>>>>>>     allows downloading of uploaded files
>>>>>>     http://..../[app]/default/download/[filename]
>>>>>>     """
>>>>>>     return response.download(request, db)
>>>>>> def call():
>>>>>>     """
>>>>>>     exposes services. for example:
>>>>>>     http://..../[app]/default/call/jsonrpc
>>>>>>     decorate with @services.jsonrpc the functions to expose
>>>>>>     supports xml, json, xmlrpc, jsonrpc, amfrpc, rss, csv
>>>>>>     """
>>>>>>     return service()
>>>>>> On Thursday, June 16, 2016 at 9:36:18 AM UTC-4, Marty Jones wrote:
>>>>>>> I uploaded a local application to my DigitalOcean droplet and have
>>>>>>> been having a nightmare of a time with the databases. I get this 
>>>>>>> variety of
>>>>>>> errors on various pages:
>>>>>>> *Error 1:*
>>>>>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>>>>>   File "/home/murtyjones/app/gluon/restricted.py", line 227, in 
>>>>>>> restricted
>>>>>>>     exec ccode in environment
>>>>>>>   File 
>>>>>>> "/home/murtyjones/app/applications/nolabills/controllers/default.py" 
>>>>>>> <https://nolabills.com/admin/default/edit/nolabills/controllers/default.py>,
>>>>>>>  line 230, in <module>
>>>>>>>   File "/home/murtyjones/app/gluon/globals.py", line 417, in <lambda>
>>>>>>>     self._caller = lambda f: f()
>>>>>>>   File "/home/murtyjones/app/gluon/tools.py", line 4241, in f
>>>>>>>     return action(*a, **b)
>>>>>>>   File 
>>>>>>> "/home/murtyjones/app/applications/nolabills/controllers/default.py" 
>>>>>>> <https://nolabills.com/admin/default/edit/nolabills/controllers/default.py>,
>>>>>>>  line 73, in dashboard
>>>>>>>     data_requests = 
>>>>>>> SQLFORM.grid(db(db.data_requests.company==auth.user.company),
>>>>>>>   File "/home/murtyjones/app/gluon/packages/dal/pydal/objects.py", line 
>>>>>>> 91, in __getattr__
>>>>>>>     raise AttributeError
>>>>>>> AttributeError
>>>>>>> *Error 2 (trying to apply changes as a user to own profile):*
>>>>>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>>>>>   File "/home/murtyjones/app/gluon/restricted.py", line 227, in 
>>>>>>> restricted
>>>>>>>     exec ccode in environment
>>>>>>>   File 
>>>>>>> "/home/murtyjones/app/applications/nolabills/controllers/default.py" 
>>>>>>> <https://nolabills.com/admin/default/edit/nolabills/controllers/default.py>,
>>>>>>>  line 230, in <module>
>>>>>>>   File "/home/murtyjones/app/gluon/globals.py", line 417, in <lambda>
>>>>>>>     self._caller = lambda f: f()
>>>>>>>   File 
>>>>>>> "/home/murtyjones/app/applications/nolabills/controllers/default.py" 
>>>>>>> <https://nolabills.com/admin/default/edit/nolabills/controllers/default.py>,
>>>>>>>  line 211, in user
>>>>>>>     return dict(form=auth())
>>>>>>>   File "/home/murtyjones/app/gluon/tools.py", line 1941, in __call__
>>>>>>>     return getattr(self, args[0])()
>>>>>>>   File "/home/murtyjones/app/gluon/tools.py", line 4026, in profile
>>>>>>>     hideerror=self.settings.hideerror):
>>>>>>>   File "/home/murtyjones/app/gluon/sqlhtml.py", line 1744, in accepts
>>>>>>>     self.id_field_name]).update(**fields)
>>>>>>>   File "/home/murtyjones/app/gluon/packages/dal/pydal/objects.py", line 
>>>>>>> 2041, in update
>>>>>>>     ret = db._adapter.update("%s" % table._tablename, self.query, 
>>>>>>> fields)
>>>>>>>   File 
>>>>>>> "/home/murtyjones/app/gluon/packages/dal/pydal/adapters/base.py", line 
>>>>>>> 519, in update
>>>>>>>     raise e
>>>>>>> OperationalError: attempt to write a readonly database
>>>>>>> *Error 3 (trying to logout as a user):*
>>>>>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>>>>>   File "/home/murtyjones/app/gluon/restricted.py", line 227, in 
>>>>>>> restricted
>>>>>>>     exec ccode in environment
>>>>>>>   File 
>>>>>>> "/home/murtyjones/app/applications/nolabills/controllers/default.py" 
>>>>>>> <https://nolabills.com/admin/default/edit/nolabills/controllers/default.py>,
>>>>>>>  line 230, in <module>
>>>>>>>   File "/home/murtyjones/app/gluon/globals.py", line 417, in <lambda>
>>>>>>>     self._caller = lambda f: f()
>>>>>>>   File 
>>>>>>> "/home/murtyjones/app/applications/nolabills/controllers/default.py" 
>>>>>>> <https://nolabills.com/admin/default/edit/nolabills/controllers/default.py>,
>>>>>>>  line 211, in user
>>>>>>>     return dict(form=auth())
>>>>>>>   File "/home/murtyjones/app/gluon/tools.py", line 1941, in __call__
>>>>>>>     return getattr(self, args[0])()
>>>>>>>   File "/home/murtyjones/app/gluon/tools.py", line 3235, in logout
>>>>>>>     self.log_event(log, self.user)
>>>>>>>   File "/home/murtyjones/app/gluon/tools.py", line 2530, in log_event
>>>>>>>     self.table_event().insert(description=str(description % vars), 
>>>>>>> origin=origin, user_id=user_id)
>>>>>>>   File "/home/murtyjones/app/gluon/packages/dal/pydal/objects.py", line 
>>>>>>> 740, in insert
>>>>>>>     ret = self._db._adapter.insert(self, self._listify(fields))
>>>>>>>   File 
>>>>>>> "/home/murtyjones/app/gluon/packages/dal/pydal/adapters/base.py", line 
>>>>>>> 482, in insert
>>>>>>>     raise e
>>>>>>> IntegrityError: FOREIGN KEY constraint failed
>>>>>>> *db.py*
>>>>>>> ## app configuration made easy. Look inside private/appconfig.ini
>>>>>>> from gluon.contrib.appconfig import AppConfig
>>>>>>> ## import current for current.db = db line
>>>>>>> from gluon import current
>>>>>>> ## once in production, remove reload=True to gain full speed
>>>>>>> myconf = AppConfig(reload=True)
>>>>>>> ## if NOT running on Google App Engine use SQLite or other DB
>>>>>>> db = DAL(myconf.take('db.uri'),
>>>>>>> pool_size=myconf.take('db.pool_size', cast=int), migrate_enabled =
>>>>>>> myconf.get('db.migrate'), check_reserved=['all'])
>>>>>>> ## define current.db for module usage
>>>>>>> current.db = db
>>>>>>> ## by default give a view/generic.extension to all actions from
>>>>>>> localhost
>>>>>>> ## none otherwise. a pattern can be 'controller/function.extension'
>>>>>>> response.generic_patterns = ['*'] if request.is_local else []
>>>>>>> ## choose a style for forms
>>>>>>> response.formstyle = myconf.take('forms.formstyle')  # or
>>>>>>> 'bootstrap3_stacked' or 'bootstrap2' or other
>>>>>>> response.form_label_separator = myconf.take('forms.separator')
>>>>>>> from gluon.tools import Auth, Service, PluginManager
>>>>>>> auth = Auth(db)
>>>>>>> service = Service()
>>>>>>> plugins = PluginManager()
>>>>>>> auth.settings.extra_fields['auth_user']= [
>>>>>>>   Field('company'),
>>>>>>>   ]
>>>>>>> ## create all tables needed by auth if not custom tables
>>>>>>> auth.define_tables(username=False, signature=False, migrate=True,
>>>>>>> fake_migrate=True)
>>>>>>> ## configure email
>>>>>>> mail = auth.settings.mailer
>>>>>>> mail.settings.server = 'smtp.gmail.com'
>>>>>>> mail.settings.sender = 'em...@gmail.com'
>>>>>>> mail.settings.login = 'em...@gmail.com:password'
>>>>>>> ## configure auth policy
>>>>>>> auth.settings.registration_requires_verification = True
>>>>>>> auth.settings.registration_requires_approval = True
>>>>>>> auth.settings.reset_password_requires_verification = True
>>>>>>> ## after defining tables, uncomment below to enable auditing
>>>>>>> # auth.enable_record_versioning(db)
>>>>>>> ## create list of companies for which this is available
>>>>>>> db.define_table('company_info',
>>>>>>>                 Field('name'),
>>>>>>>                 Field('street_address'),
>>>>>>>                 )
>>>>>>> ## create a table for the queue of not yet fulfilled data requests
>>>>>>> db.define_table('data_requests',
>>>>>>>                 Field('first_name'),
>>>>>>>                 Field('last_name'),
>>>>>>>                 Field('entergy_username'),
>>>>>>>                 Field('entergy_password'),
>>>>>>>                 Field('email'),
>>>>>>>                 Field('company'),
>>>>>>>                 Field('status', default='QUEUED'),
>>>>>>>                 Field('runs', 'integer', default=0),
>>>>>>>                 Field('bill_1', 'upload', uploadfield='bill_1_file'),
>>>>>>>                 Field('bill_1_file', 'blob'),
>>>>>>>                 )
>>>>>>> ## create a table for generating tokens
>>>>>>> db.define_table('tokens',
>>>>>>>                 Field('first_name'),
>>>>>>>                 Field('last_name'),
>>>>>>>                 Field('email'),
>>>>>>>                 Field('company'),
>>>>>>>                 Field('token'),
>>>>>>>                 Field('submitted', default=False),
>>>>>>>                 )
>>>>>>> *sql.log*
>>>>>>> timestamp: 2016-06-15T14:20:52.811948
>>>>>>> CREATE TABLE auth_user(
>>>>>>>     first_name CHAR(128),
>>>>>>>     last_name CHAR(128),
>>>>>>>     email CHAR(512),
>>>>>>>     password CHAR(512),
>>>>>>>     registration_key CHAR(512),
>>>>>>>     reset_password_key CHAR(512),
>>>>>>>     registration_id CHAR(512)
>>>>>>> );
>>>>>>> success!
>>>>>>> timestamp: 2016-06-15T14:20:52.856816
>>>>>>> CREATE TABLE auth_group(
>>>>>>>     role CHAR(512),
>>>>>>>     description TEXT
>>>>>>> );
>>>>>>> success!
>>>>>>> timestamp: 2016-06-15T14:20:52.899975
>>>>>>> CREATE TABLE auth_membership(
>>>>>>>     user_id INTEGER REFERENCES auth_user (id) ON DELETE CASCADE  ,
>>>>>>>     group_id INTEGER REFERENCES auth_group (id) ON DELETE CASCADE
>>>>>>> );
>>>>>>> success!
>>>>>>> timestamp: 2016-06-15T14:20:53.040386
>>>>>>> CREATE TABLE auth_permission(
>>>>>>>     group_id INTEGER REFERENCES auth_group (id) ON DELETE CASCADE  ,
>>>>>>>     name CHAR(512),
>>>>>>>     table_name CHAR(512),
>>>>>>>     record_id INTEGER
>>>>>>> );
>>>>>>> success!
>>>>>>> timestamp: 2016-06-15T14:20:53.092848
>>>>>>> CREATE TABLE auth_event(
>>>>>>>     time_stamp TIMESTAMP,
>>>>>>>     client_ip CHAR(512),
>>>>>>>     user_id INTEGER REFERENCES auth_user (id) ON DELETE CASCADE  ,
>>>>>>>     origin CHAR(512),
>>>>>>>     description TEXT
>>>>>>> );
>>>>>>> success!
>>>>>>> timestamp: 2016-06-15T14:20:53.223004
>>>>>>> CREATE TABLE auth_cas(
>>>>>>>     user_id INTEGER REFERENCES auth_user (id) ON DELETE CASCADE  ,
>>>>>>>     created_on TIMESTAMP,
>>>>>>>     service CHAR(512),
>>>>>>>     ticket CHAR(512),
>>>>>>>     renew CHAR(1)
>>>>>>> );
>>>>>>> success!
>>>>>>> timestamp: 2016-06-15T14:22:53.166163
>>>>>>> ALTER TABLE auth_user ADD company CHAR(512);
>>>>>>> success!
>>>>>>> timestamp: 2016-06-15T14:22:53.554653
>>>>>>> CREATE TABLE company_info(
>>>>>>>     name CHAR(512),
>>>>>>>     street_address CHAR(512)
>>>>>>> );
>>>>>>> success!
>>>>>>> timestamp: 2016-06-15T14:22:53.604055
>>>>>>> CREATE TABLE data_requests(
>>>>>>>     first_name CHAR(512),
>>>>>>>     last_name CHAR(512),
>>>>>>>     entergy_username CHAR(512),
>>>>>>>     entergy_password CHAR(512),
>>>>>>>     email CHAR(512),
>>>>>>>     company CHAR(512),
>>>>>>>     status CHAR(512),
>>>>>>>     runs INTEGER,
>>>>>>>     bill_1 CHAR(512),
>>>>>>>     bill_1_file BLOB
>>>>>>> );
>>>>>>> success!
>>>>>>> timestamp: 2016-06-15T14:22:53.645905
>>>>>>> CREATE TABLE tokens(
>>>>>>>     first_name CHAR(512),
>>>>>>>     last_name CHAR(512),
>>>>>>>     email CHAR(512),
>>>>>>>     company CHAR(512),
>>>>>>>     token CHAR(512),
>>>>>>>     submitted CHAR(512)
>>>>>>> );
>>>>>>> success!
>>>>>>> timestamp: 2016-06-15T14:22:56.435830
>>>>>>> CREATE TABLE scheduler_task(
>>>>>>>     application_name CHAR(512),
>>>>>>>     task_name CHAR(512),
>>>>>>>     group_name CHAR(512),
>>>>>>>     status CHAR(512),
>>>>>>>     function_name CHAR(512),
>>>>>>>     uuid CHAR(255) UNIQUE,
>>>>>>>     args TEXT,
>>>>>>>     vars TEXT,
>>>>>>>     enabled CHAR(1),
>>>>>>>     start_time TIMESTAMP,
>>>>>>>     next_run_time TIMESTAMP,
>>>>>>>     stop_time TIMESTAMP,
>>>>>>>     repeats INTEGER,
>>>>>>>     retry_failed INTEGER,
>>>>>>>     period INTEGER,
>>>>>>>     prevent_drift CHAR(1),
>>>>>>>     timeout INTEGER,
>>>>>>>     sync_output INTEGER,
>>>>>>>     times_run INTEGER,
>>>>>>>     times_failed INTEGER,
>>>>>>>     last_run_time TIMESTAMP,
>>>>>>>     assigned_worker_name CHAR(512)
>>>>>>> );
>>>>>>> success!
>>>>>>> timestamp: 2016-06-15T14:22:56.501649
>>>>>>> CREATE TABLE scheduler_run(
>>>>>>>     task_id INTEGER REFERENCES scheduler_task (id) ON DELETE CASCADE
>>>>>>>  ,
>>>>>>>     status CHAR(512),
>>>>>>>     start_time TIMESTAMP,
>>>>>>>     stop_time TIMESTAMP,
>>>>>>>     run_output TEXT,
>>>>>>>     run_result TEXT,
>>>>>>>     traceback TEXT,
>>>>>>>     worker_name CHAR(512)
>>>>>>> );
>>>>>>> success!
>>>>>>> timestamp: 2016-06-15T14:22:56.546304
>>>>>>> CREATE TABLE scheduler_worker(
>>>>>>>     worker_name CHAR(255) UNIQUE,
>>>>>>>     first_heartbeat TIMESTAMP,
>>>>>>>     last_heartbeat TIMESTAMP,
>>>>>>>     status CHAR(512),
>>>>>>>     is_ticker CHAR(1),
>>>>>>>     group_names TEXT,
>>>>>>>     worker_stats TEXT
>>>>>>> );
>>>>>>> success!
>>>>>>> timestamp: 2016-06-15T14:22:56.589493
>>>>>>> CREATE TABLE scheduler_task_deps(
>>>>>>>     job_name CHAR(512),
>>>>>>>     task_parent INTEGER,
>>>>>>>     task_child INTEGER REFERENCES scheduler_task (id) ON DELETE
>>>>>>> CASCADE  ,
>>>>>>>     can_visit CHAR(1)
>>>>>>> );
>>>>>>> success!
>>>>>>> No idea where to even start with this and would appreciate help.
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Resources:
>>>>>> - http://web2py.com
>>>>>> - http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
>>>>>> - http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code)
>>>>>> - https://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/list (Report Issues)
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>>>>> --
>>>> Resources:
>>>> - http://web2py.com
>>>> - http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
>>>> - http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code)
>>>> - https://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/list (Report Issues)
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>>> --
>> Resources:
>> - http://web2py.com
>> - http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
>> - http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code)
>> - https://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/list (Report Issues)
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- http://web2py.com
- http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
- http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code)
- https://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/list (Report Issues)
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