Thank you very much, Anthony.
Just the first sentence "...The purpose of translation is to translate 
strings based on the requested language of a given HTTP request...."
is enough to understand my stupid mistake.

Dne středa 25. května 2016 12:21:35 UTC+2 Mirek Zvolský napsal(a):
> I understand that it requires attention to use
>  - variables from models
>  - variables from controllers
>  - request, response, db, auth, T(?)
> in modules.
> Inside functions and method of class they can be used
>  - through function parameter/argument
>  - as current.xxxxx
> Outside functions/methods, i.e. in all code which run at 'import' time 
> (like at module level, class attributes)
> they should be avoided at all, because 'import' run once, but such 
> variables have thread-versions.
> But I am not sure why the T() requires such attention too,
> and if next use is correct and safe or isn't:
> from gluon import current
> from gluon.validators import IS_NOT_EMPTY, IS_IN_DB
> class FormTxt(object):
>    err_choose = current.T('choose one or more')
>    err_required = current.T('this is required')
>    def __init__(self):
>        super(IS_NOT_EMPTY_, 
> self).__init__(error_message=FormTxt.err_required)
> class IS_IN_DB_(IS_IN_DB):
>    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
>        super(IS_IN_DB_, self).__init__(*args, 
> error_message=FormTxt.err_choose, **kwargs)
> So I use current.T() in module in class attributes,
> which evaluates only once,
> but I think it is not problem, because we have here just a text, which is 
> always the same, thread-independent.
> Am I correct, or this could be problem too...?
> Thanks, Mirek

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