On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 6:31 AM, mdipierro<mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> Markus,
> sorry for my delay about this issue. Two questions:
> 1) will this make sqlite files created by web2py windows binary
> incompatible with web2py osx binary and or web2py running form source?

No.  The data in the database is not affected by this patch.  It only
changes how non-ASCII characters are treated in queries when using

> 2) Can you send me step by step instructions for including the file
> [7] that you linked into web2py_win.zip

• Download the source version of pysqlite from

• You need to have MSVC 2003 installed.

• Try building pysqlite  by calling
C:\Python25\python setup.py build_static
C:\Python25\python setup.py bdist_wininst

• Place the attached file sqlite3_unicode.c from my original email
into the 'amalgamation' directory.

• Apply the patch which is attached to this email.

• Rebuild pysqlite using
C:\Python25\python setup.py build_static
C:\Python25\python setup.py bdist_wininst

Now you have an installabel pysqlite extension in the 'dist' directory.

Kind regards,

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Attachment: sqlite3_unicode.patch
Description: Binary data

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