{{=XML(response.render('default/search.html', form=search_form(),
rows= []))}}

On Jun 27, 6:57 pm, Brian <br...@brianmaddy.com> wrote:
> Does anyone know if there's a way to render a view inside another
> view?  This method gives me the html I would like:
> {{
> form=search_form()
> rows=[]}}
> {{include 'default/search.html'}}
> But I'd really rather do something like this because it seems more
> correct:
> {{=response.render('default/search.html', form=search_form(), rows=
> [])}}
> Unfortunately, the second method escapes all the html.  From what I
> understand, using the XML function to unescape it is considered a
> security issue.
> Is there any way to include another view file and explicitly pass its
> local variables to it?
> Thanks,
> Brian
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