You can use this code from Flex. I did and it worked with a caveat of
not being able to send non-ASCII text.

Here's the code I used. It's ugly, but it was put together with the
sole purpose of doing some tests.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="";
                               horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle"
                               backgroundColor="#FFFFFF" backgroundAlpha="0">

<mx:Form label="Login">

<mx:FormItem label="Create Project"/>
<mx:FormItem label="name:">
       <mx:TextInput id="name_txt"/>
<mx:FormItem label="description:">
       <mx:TextInput id="description_txt"/>
<mx:FormItem label="summary:">
<mx:TextInput id="summary_txt"/>
<mx:FormItem label="type:">
       <mx:TextInput id="type_txt"/>
<mx:FormItem label="owner_id:">
       <mx:TextInput id="owner_id_txt"/>

<mx:FormItem horizontalAlign="right" paddingBottom="10">
       <mx:Button label="Submit" click="submit(event)"/>

<mx:Text id="status_txt" textAlign="center" fontWeight="bold"
                width="250" height="100"/>


                       // Gateway connection object
                           private var gateway:NetConnection;

                       // submit action
               public function submit( event:MouseEvent ): void
                       var name:String = name_txt.text;
                       var description:String = description_txt.text;
                       var summary:String = summary_txt.text;
                       var type:String = type_txt.text;
                       var owner_id:String = owner_id_txt.text;

                   // Setup connection
                   gateway = new NetConnection();

                   // Connect to gateway

                   // Set responder property to the object and methods
that will receive the
                   // result or fault condition that the service returns.
                   var responder:Responder = new Responder( onResult, onFault );

                   // Call remote service.method: call(function.
responder, param1, param2)
          "f", responder, name, description, summary );


               // Result handler method
               private function onResult( result:* ): void
                   var myData:String = result;
                   trace( myData );
                   status_txt.text = "Success: data = " + myData;

               // Fault handler method displays error message
               private function onFault( error:* ): void
                   // Notify the user of the problem
                   status_txt.text = "Remoting error:";
                   for ( var d:String in error ) {
                      status_txt.text += error[d] + "\n";


On Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 3:10 PM, Nano Surbakti<> wrote:
> Hi Massimo,
> I couldn't try that code, cause I don't have Adobe Flash MX. I am
> using Flex, trying something quite similar to Alexei's code. It's
> actually adapted from:
> For the controller, I'm following :
> Btw, I'm new to web2py, trying to use this cool framework for a project.
> --
> Nano Surbakti
> On Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 12:53 PM, mdipierro<> wrote:
>> This could be a bug. Could you try if this works for you?
>> Massimo
>> On Jun 26, 10:27 pm, nanotalk <> wrote:
>>> Has anybody could get this work? I am stucked in the same problem
>>> here .. :(
>>> Is it a bug, or something?
>>> --
>>> Nano Surbakti
>>> On May 29, 5:07 am, roblund <> wrote:
>>> > It appears that this has not been answered yet, so I will bump it back
>>> > to the top. I am interested in seeing any examples people have. Has
>>> > anybody successfully implemented @service.amfrpc and used a
>>> > mx:RemoteObject on the flex side? I was able to get @service.amfrpc
>>> > working correctly with a NetConnection on the flex side, but this
>>> > seems to be considered the old way of using amf. I thread I used for
>>> > an example of NetConnection 
>>> > was:
>>> > Thanks,
>>> > Rob Lund
>> >
> >

Alexei Vinidiktov

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