Ill try to explain it here but this is gonna require a video tutorial: First there are several ways to achieve it. Although Anthony's suggestion (cache.ram) is optimal it didnt work on production, I dont know why cache.ram doesnt work on pythonanywhere.
I got the progress bar working on production using the scheduler, which i dont like cos its db intensive and more complex to setup, but i had no choice since the processes where too long to finish (10 minutes) and the http conection times out before its done. Cache.ram Create 2 controllers, one for your view and another one to get the progress. def getprogress(): return cache.ram('message', lambda: None, None) def progress(): # when a form is submitted, change progress each second if request.post_vars: n = 20 #simulate 20 iterations for i in range(n): msg = "Inserting records" percent = 100*(i+1) / n #update the percent each 5% if percent % 5 == 0: #store the array in ram [percent, text msg] message = cache.ram('message', lambda: ";".join([percent, msg]), time_expire=0) print "main:", percent, message sleep(1) #we are calling this controller through ajax so return a string when done return "done" else: message = cache.ram('message', lambda: -1, time_expire=0) return locals() The view: <div class="well"> <div id="pbar"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <h3>Processing...</h3> </div> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="progress progress-bar-xl" style="margin-top: 3px"> <div class="progress-bar progress-bar-warning" role="progressbar" aria-valuenow="60" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" style="width: 0%;">0%</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <!-- <div class="col-md-1"> <input id="start" value="Pause" class="input-sm btn btn-primary btn-gradient btn-block dark" style="line-height: 0.8em;padding: 0" type="submit"> </div> <div class="col-md-1"> <input id="abort" value="Abort" class="input-sm btn btn-danger btn-gradient btn-block dark" style="line-height: 0.8em;padding: 0" type="submit"> </div> --> </div> </div> </div> js: create a progress bar "class" jquery ui required if i recall. <script type="text/javascript"> function ProgressBar (selector) { var self = this; self.el = $(selector) self.text = self.el.find("h3"); self.progress = self.el.find(".progress-bar"); self.btnstart = self.el.find("#start"); self.btnabort = self.el.find("#abort"); self.value = 0; self.min = 0; self.max = 100; self.interval = 5000; self.running = false; self.timer = null; self.offset = 0; self.set_progress = function (value) { value = value || 0; var done = false; if (value>=self.max) { value = self.max done = true; }; value = parseInt(value) + "%"; self.progress.css("width", value); self.progress.text(value); if (done) self.done(); }; self.done = function (msg) { var msg = msg || "Process Completed" self.text.text(msg) console.log("done", self.timer); clearInterval(self.timer); self.running = false; }; self.abort = function (e) { if (self.running) { self.value = 0; self.set_progress(0); self.text.text("Aborted"); if (self.timer) { clearInterval(self.timer); }; self.running = false; }; } #ask the server for the progress self.ask = function () { var ask = $.ajax({ url: window.location.origin + "/default/getprogress" , type: "get" }); ask.done(function (res, msg, xhr) { console.log(res); if (res=="-1") { console.log("not running...?"); self.done(); return } // var data = res.split(";"); var percent = parseInt(res[0]); var msg = res[1]; // if (msg == "Error") { // return self.done(msg); // }; self.text.text(msg); // console.log("resp", res); self.value = percent + self.offset; if (percent == 80 && self.offset < 10) { self.offset +=0.5; } if (percent == 80 && self.offset >= 10 && self.offset < 15) { self.offset +=0.1; } self.set_progress(self.value); }); (xhr, status, error) { var resp = xhr.responseText; self.done("Error (see browser's console for details)"); if (console) { console.log(resp); }; // console.log(resp); // console.log(status); // console.log(error); // clearInterval(self.timer); // self.running = false; }) }; self.start = function (e) { self.text.text("Processing..."); if (!self.running) { console.log("running"); self.value = 0; self.set_progress(); self.ask(); self.timer = setInterval(self.ask, self.interval); self.running = true } else { console.log("already runing"); } } self.set_progress(self.value); // self.btnstart.on("click", self.start); // self.btnabort.on("click", self.abort); } var pbar = new ProgressBar("#pbar"); pbar.start(); Note: this ProgressBar function is expecting a json response from the server with an array like [50, "Processing"] The scheduler is more complex to setup i might need to do a video tutorial to exaplain it. -- Resources: - - (Documentation) - (Source code) - (Report Issues) --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "web2py-users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to For more options, visit