just detail: db.resultats._fields

Dne čtvrtek 3. března 2016 16:04:27 UTC+1 Anthony napsal(a):
> field_names = db.resultats.fields
> field_types = [f.type for f in db.resultats]
> Anthony
> On Thursday, March 3, 2016 at 2:23:54 AM UTC-5, Daniel Lafrance wrote:
>> Hi group
>> I am trying to build a db dynamic app but I am stick on the following 
>> problem.
>> I am able to get the filenames of a table by the syntax ;
>> fields = list(db.resultats.keys())
>> But I am unable to find how to get the field types. Is there a special 
>> syntax that i could use ?
>> Something like ...:
>> ftypes = list(db.resultats.field_types())
>> Regards !

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