On Thursday, March 3, 2016 at 6:28:48 PM UTC-8, Yibing Liu wrote:
> Thank you very much.
I was happy to help.


> 在 2016年3月4日星期五 UTC+8上午3:27:31,Dave S写道:
>> On Thursday, March 3, 2016 at 10:37:30 AM UTC-8, Yibing Liu wrote:
>>> Hello Everyone, I am installing an app from an .w2p file. However I get 
>>> an error message "unable to install application". And I add the following 
>>> code in gluon/admin.py app_install:
>>> except Exception:
>>>         import traceback
>>>         print traceback.format_exc()
>>>         if did_mkdir:
>>>             rmtree(path)
>>>         return 0
>>> Then I get the following message:
>>> [...] 
>> IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\\Users\\liuyibing\\
>>> Desktop\\\xce\xc4\xb5\xb5\\web2py2.12.3\\applications\\
>>> soma\\uploads\\comtable\\comtable.com_info.96399da6be1c22d1.
>>> e783bde781abe9809ae4bfa132303136e698a5e5ada3e6a0a1e59bade68b
>>> 9be88198e7ae80e7aba0efbc88e590abefbc9ae99c80e6b182e8818ce4bd
>>> 8de58f8ae4bbbbe8818ce8a681e6b182efbc892e646f63.doc'
>>> It mean that name of some file in the "upload/" folder of my app is too 
>>> long, could anyone give me some help, thank you.
>> Is this your own app that you're moving between machines?  Do you need 
>> this file to be on the new host?  If (yes and no), then when you make the 
>> w2p file on the old host, select "pack custom", and don't check the uploads 
>> folder.
>> Otherwise you need to shorten the name of the file.  (Note: web2py 
>> obfuscates filenames in uploads to prevent something akin to SQL injection 
>> in the names.  You can manually change it to something else later, and 
>> manually update the table entry where you recorded it.)
>> /dps

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