> db.poc.Name.requires = [IS_UPPER 
> <https://xortho.it/examples/global/vars/IS_UPPER>(), CRYPT 
> <https://xortho.it/examples/global/vars/CRYPT>(),
>                         IS_NOT_IN_DB(db(db.poc.Birthday == 
> request.vars.Birthday), 'poc.Name')]
> I've tried but this doesn't work properly and adds duplicated data. I 
> figured out  that is probably because I'm using CRYPT() and I get a 
> LazyCrypt Object but IS_NOT_IN_DB expects a string


db.poc.Name.requires = [IS_UPPER 
<https://xortho.it/examples/global/vars/IS_UPPER>(), lambda v: (str(CRYPT 
<https://xortho.it/examples/global/vars/CRYPT>()(v)[0]), None),
                        IS_NOT_IN_DB(db(db.poc.Birthday == 
request.vars.Birthday), 'poc.Name')]


> Where can'I find the source code for _before_insert?


A few additional tips:
>    - form.process() accepts a "message_onsuccess" argument, so you can 
>    use that instead of checking if the form is accepted and explicitly 
> setting 
>    response.flash.
> Tried and this prevent  "record added" message but I'm still unable to 
> show a duplicate error message.

That wasn't intended as a solution to this particular problem, just a tip 
for when you do need to set an onsuccess flash message.



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