Forget about last message I was making a mistake in my print statments

On Thu, Jan 14, 2016 at 3:40 PM, Richard Vézina <
> wrote:

> There is something I don't understand... I put a couple of print statments
> to see if my cached vars was in globals() and I discover that my var was
> never there...
> I am lost completly... If it pass throught my "if" my dict will be
> recreated each request...
> :(
> Richard
> On Thu, Jan 14, 2016 at 12:13 PM, Richard Vézina <
>> wrote:
>> Yes, this may be an option (update whole dict in Redis)... Mean time I
>> get rid of them, if I can succeed in that...
>> :)
>> Thanks Anthony.
>> Richard
>> On Thu, Jan 14, 2016 at 12:06 PM, Anthony <> wrote:
>>> On Thursday, January 14, 2016 at 11:12:12 AM UTC-5, Richard wrote:
>>>> This is true for any other cache except cache.ram right?
>>> Right. cache.ram works because it doesn't have to pickle a Python object
>>> and put it into external storage (and therefore create a fresh copy of the
>>> stored object via unpickling at retrieval time). Rather, it simply stores a
>>> pointer to the existing Python object within the current Python process. Of
>>> course, this limits cache.ram to a single process, so if your app is being
>>> served by multiple processes, each will have its own version of cache.ram.
>>>> If so, there is no gain with cache.redis the way I use it...
>>> Well, the gain with Redis is that it will actually work, though you will
>>> have to adjust your code to save the whole dictionary back to the cache
>>> upon update.
>>>> @Anthony, are you sure about the issue with uwsgi/nginx and cache.ram
>>>> dict update?
>>> I think so. You might try configuring uwsgi to run a single process with
>>> multiple threads instead of using multiple processes. Not sure how that
>>> will impact performance.
>>>> I guess, I should start to look at how to get rid of these global dict
>>>> while not degrading system performance. There surely place where I use
>>>> these global vars that wouldn't suffer from a little query to the backend,
>>>> but for grid where the performance was the greatest or simplifying code was
>>>> acheive with those it will be difficult to stop using them...
>>> Is it really a problem to write the whole dictionary to Redis? How often
>>> are updates happening?
>>> Anthony
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