Looks about style parameters of SQLFORM.widget.checkbox there is
information about that if I remember... There is also _style attribute
where you can use 'divs'. Make sure you read about both attributes they are
differents and serve differents purposes...

But with _style='divs' you should be able to displays everythings at you
which with CSS...


On Thu, Jan 14, 2016 at 1:23 PM, Ron Chatterjee <achatterjee...@gmail.com>

> It does! Thank you Richard. Do you happen to know if I want to display the
> checkbox horizontally as oppose to vertically, how would I do that? I asked
> cuz if I have a table with other fields and I have 10 checkboxes to say, it
> will be better to present them horizontally than vertically. Regardless,
> thanks for your time on this. Appreciated.
> On Thursday, January 14, 2016 at 12:33:52 PM UTC-5, Richard wrote:
>> multiple=True in IS_IN_SET() validator should help...
>> Richard
>> On Thu, Jan 14, 2016 at 11:57 AM, Ron Chatterjee <achatte...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Where in the book I find this info?
>>> On Thursday, January 14, 2016 at 11:56:51 AM UTC-5, Ron Chatterjee wrote:
>>>> Here is an example in picture.
>>>> On Wednesday, January 13, 2016 at 4:23:11 PM UTC-5, Ron Chatterjee
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> *Model:*
>>>>> db.define_table('mytable',
>>>>>                 Field('name', type='list:string',requires=IS_IN_SET
>>>>> (('True','False')),
>>>>>                       widget=SQLFORM.widgets.checkboxes.widget))
>>>>> *Controller:*
>>>>> def index():
>>>>>     variables = []
>>>>>     form = SQLFORM(db.mytable).process()
>>>>>     if form.accepted:
>>>>>         #comments from that particular blog post
>>>>>         variables = form.vars.name
>>>>>     return dict(form = form,variables = variables )
>>>>> *View:*
>>>>> {{extend 'layout.html'}}
>>>>> {{=form}}
>>>>> {{=variables}}
>>>>> I can only output true or false. I want to select and output True and
>>>>> False both. How?
>>>>> --
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