Presumably you are calling this function as follows:

callback_0(session.order, session.sale_order_net)

The problem is you later have:

    session_order_net = dict(...)

At that point, you are not modifying the session.sale_order_net object but 
simply assigning a new object to the local variable session_order_net. This 
is equivalent to doing:

    session_order_net = current.session.sale_order_net
    session_order_net = dict(...)

In the above case, you wouldn't expect the second line to have any effect 
on session.sale_order_net -- the second line simply makes the first line 
irrelevant (i.e., it simply overwrites the value of the session_order_net 
variable that is local to the function).

The earlier line:

    session_order[id] = ...

works because in that case, you are not assigning a new object to the 
session_order variable but merely mutating the object to which 
session_order refers (i.e., session.order).

If you want to completely replace the value of session.sale_order_net, then 
pass in the session object and do:

    session.sale_order_net = ...


On Wednesday, January 13, 2016 at 12:48:11 AM UTC-5, 黄祥 wrote:
> is it possible to update 2 sessions values using web2py module? i've 
> tested it only first session value work, the second session value work if 
> explicit define in the module (but the module is used by another 
> controller, so i want to create just 1 module for all controllers).
> e.g.
> *modules/*
> def callback_0(session_order, session_order_net):
> if current.request.vars.action == 'adjust_total':
> id = int(
> quantity = int(current.request.vars['quantity_%s' % id])
> price = int(current.request.vars['price_%s' % id])
> *session_order[id] = quantity, price # the first parameter work*
> total_price = quantity * price
> total_quantity = 0
> grand_total = 0
> for calculation_id, (calculation_quantity, calculation_price) in 
> session_order.items():
> calculation_total_price = calculation_quantity * calculation_price
> total_quantity += calculation_quantity
> grand_total += calculation_total_price
> return "jQuery('#total_price_%s').html('%s'); 
> jQuery('#total_quantity').html('%s'); jQuery('#grand_total').html('%s');" % 
> (id, 
>   format(total_price, ",d").replace(",", "."), format(total_quantity, 
> ",d").replace(",", "."), 
>   format(grand_total, ",d").replace(",", ".") )
> if current.request.vars.action == 'adjust_total_net':
> discount = int(current.request.vars['discount'] )
> delivery_fee = int(current.request.vars['delivery_fee'] )
> packing_fee = int(current.request.vars['packing_fee'] )
> stamp_fee = int(current.request.vars['stamp_fee'] )
> paid = int(current.request.vars['paid'] )
> * current.session.sale_order_net = dict(discount = discount, delivery_fee 
> = delivery_fee, packing_fee = packing_fee, stamp_fee = stamp_fee, paid = 
> paid) # this work when explicit tell the session name*
> * #session_order_net = dict(discount = discount, delivery_fee = 
> delivery_fee, packing_fee = packing_fee, stamp_fee = stamp_fee, paid = 
> paid)** # the second parameter not work, no error traceback occured but 
> the result is not expected (not updated value)*
> grand_total = sum(calculation_quantity * calculation_price for 
> calculation_id, (calculation_quantity, calculation_price) in 
> session_order.items() )
> grand_total_net = grand_total-discount+delivery_fee+packing_fee+stamp_fee
> paid_return = paid-grand_total_net
> return "jQuery('#grand_total_net').html('%s'); 
> jQuery('#paid_return').html('%s');" % (
>   format(grand_total_net, ",d").replace(",", "."), format(paid_return, 
> ",d").replace(",", ".") )
> as in the example code above the bold code is work if i explicit it and if 
> i use the second parameter (*session_order_net*) that been passed by 
> function in controller, it is not work, the funny things is the first 
> parameter work (*session_order*). no error traceback occured but the 
> result is not expected.
> any idea how to get it work in web2py way?
> thanks and best regards,
> stifan

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