Are you using nginx/uwsgi? If so, I believe cache.ram would not be shared 
across the different uwsgi worker processes. You might consider switching 
to the Redis cache.


On Wednesday, January 13, 2016 at 11:26:16 AM UTC-5, Richard wrote:
> Hello,
> Still struggle with this. I don't understand why cache dict is not updated 
> in real time...
> It get updated but there is a strange delay.
> Thanks
> Richard
> On Mon, Jan 4, 2016 at 4:18 PM, Richard Vézina <
>> wrote:
>> UP here!
>> Any help would be appreciate...
>> Richard
>> On Mon, Dec 21, 2015 at 10:22 PM, Richard <> 
>> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I am still under 2.9.5, I have a simple dict cached in ram which never 
>>> expire that I update when new key value are added to the system... Mainly 
>>> the dict contain id and their representation...
>>> It works flawlessly in dev, but once I pushed in prod, it seems that the 
>>> cached dict takes time to really update... Here how I manage the creation 
>>> an update of this dict :
>>> def set_id_represent(update_id_represent_if_elapsed_time=None, id=None):
>>>     """
>>>     Calling this function will create in globals the "id_represent" 
>>> variable if the call is made without
>>>     id. If id is passed, it will update the id_represent dictionary with 
>>> new
>>>     id and it representation.
>>>     :param id:
>>>     :param update_id_represent_if_elapsed_time:
>>>     """
>>>     if 'id_represent' not in globals():
>>>         global id_represent
>>>         id_represent = \
>>>             cache.ram('id_represent',
>>>                       lambda: { r.represent_field
>>>                                for r in db().select(,
>>>                                                     db.table_name.
>>> represent_field,
>>>                                                     orderby=db.
>>> table_name.represent_field)
>>>                                },
>>>                       time_expire=update_id_represent_if_elapsed_time)
>>>     elif isinstance(id, int) or isinstance(id, long):
>>>         id_represent_query = \
>>>             db( == id
>>>                ).select(,
>>>                         db.table_name.represent_field,
>>>                         orderby=db.table_name.represent_field)
>>>         id_represent.update({ r.represent_field for r in 
>>> id_represent_query})
>>>     if id:
>>>         return id_represent[id]
>>> set_id_represent(update_id_represent_if_elapsed_time=None)
>>> Then when I want to update the cached dict with new k, v :
>>> set_id_represent(id=my_id)
>>> I have made some test and print after the id_represent.update(...) above 
>>> from the function call and the dict seems to be updated... The function 
>>> that call set_in_represent(id=id) doesn't failed, but when we want to 
>>> access page which user id_represent[some_id], they all failed for a couples 
>>> of minutes... Like if the cached dict not get update immediately...
>>> Thanks for any pointer...
>>> Richard
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