Goodmornig I am not a developer but I tryed to modify the modal class I found at It only create a Div based on bootstrap 3 version for modal box, a close button and a create button. If you pass an url to create button it also load the content of the url via "ajax". Hope it can be a good solution to help load content in boxes . It also work with SQLFORM, SQLFORM.grid.
In the controller you can set : def render_grid(): from modal_dialog import Modal modal = Modal('', '', 'Label Modal', 'Area',class_btn='icon magnifier icon-edit glyphicon glyphicon-edit') div_modal = DIV(modal.div_modal(''),modal_view.div_modal('')) links = [lambda row: DIV(modal.create_btn(URL(f='render_form', ,) ] grid = DIV(SQLFORM.grid(query=query, fields=fields,links=links, onupdate=False, maxtextlength=200, user_signature=True,showbuttontext=False, searchable=True,deletable=False,details=False,editable=False,create = False, csv =True,sortable=True)) return dict(grid = grid,div_modal=div_modal) def render_form(): id_args= request.args(0) or redirect(URL('blank_comunicazione')) form =, id_args) return form Hope it helps. Merry Christmas -- Resources: - - (Documentation) - (Source code) - (Report Issues) --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "web2py-users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to For more options, visit
from gluon.html import A, DIV, H3, BUTTON, OPTION, TAG, I, XML, URL from gluon.sqlhtml import SQLFORM from gluon.http import HTTP from gluon import current import uuid from gluon.compileapp import LOAD class Modal(object): def __init__(self, value, title_btn, title_modal,field, onclose='', class_btn ="icon-plus-sign"): self.field = field self.value = value self.title_btn = title_btn self.title_modal = title_modal if self.field: self.key = str(self.field).replace('.', '_') else: self.key = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.class_btn = class_btn self.modal_id = 'modal_%s' % self.key self._target = "c_" + self.key self.request = current.request self.response = current.response self.session = current.session self.onclose = onclose def btn_close(self): # Button to trigger modal . btn_close_modal = BUTTON("Chiudi", **{"_class": "btn", "_data-dismiss": "modal", "_aria-hidden": "true", "_onclick":"$('#contet_modal_%s').empty()"%self.modal_id, }) return btn_close_modal def div_modal(self, content_modal): div_modal = DIV(DIV(DIV( DIV( DIV(H3(self.title_modal, _id="myModalLabel"),_class="modal-title"), _class="modal-header"), DIV(content_modal, _class="modal-body", _id="contet_modal_%s" %self.modal_id), DIV(self.btn_close(),_class="modal-footer",), _class="modal-content"), _class="modal-dialog modal-lg"), **{"_id": "%s" % self.modal_id, "_class": "modal fade", "_tabindex": "-1", "_role": "dialog", "_aria-hidden": "true", "_aria-labelledby": "myModalLabel"} ) return div_modal def create_btn(self,url=''): btn_show_modal = A(self.title_btn,BUTTON(I(_class=self.class_btn)),_onclick="$('#%s').modal('show')"%self.modal_id, _href=url,cid='contet_modal_%s' % self.modal_id, **{"_class": "btn btn-link","_role": "button","_title": self.title_btn}) return btn_show_mod