I am not sure what the problem is for you but it tested this and I found a 
different error which I fixed in DAL trunk. Please try the latest trunk and 
see it you can reproduce it.

On Friday, 11 December 2015 19:15:24 UTC-6, Tom Campbell wrote:
> Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong in my attempt to use Google Cloud 
> SQL?
> My GAE app runs successfully on local machine without database support.
> Goal is to use Google Cloud SQL database.
> Remote Google Cloud SQL database is accessible via mysql on the command 
> line.
> Google SDK is the latest.
> db.py contains this code:
> db = DAL('google:sql://gigcity-1951:dbtest/tomsdatabase')
> When run, yields this web2py error:
> <type 'exceptions.RuntimeError'> Failure to connect, tried 5 times: 
>> Traceback (most recent call last): File 
>> "/Users/tom/Dropbox/work/m/web2py/gluon/dal/base.py", line 410, in __init__ 
>> self._adapter = ADAPTERS[self._dbname](**kwargs) File 
>> "/Users/tom/Dropbox/work/m/web2py/gluon/dal/adapters/base.py", line 47, in 
>> __call__ obj = super(AdapterMeta, cls).__call__(*args, **kwargs) File 
>> "/Users/tom/Dropbox/work/m/web2py/gluon/dal/adapters/google.py", line 51, 
>> in __init__ if do_connect: self.reconnect() File 
>> "/Users/tom/Dropbox/work/m/web2py/gluon/dal/connection.py", line 92, in 
>> reconnect self.connection = f() File 
>> "/Users/tom/Dropbox/work/m/web2py/gluon/dal/adapters/google.py", line 49, 
>> in connector return rdbms.connect(**driver_args) AttributeError: 'NoneType' 
>> object has no attribute 'connect' 
> I start it like this:
> dev_appserver.py ../web2py --mysql_user=sampleuser --mysql_password=foo
> Relevant (?) lines of app.yaml:
>> application: gigcity-1951
>> version: 1
>> api_version: 1
>> # use these lines for Python 2.7
>> # upload app with: appcfg.py update web2py (where 'web2py' is web2py's 
>> root dir
>> #
>> runtime: python27
>> threadsafe: true    # true for WSGI & concurrent requests (Python 2.7 
>> only)
>> default_expiration: "24h"   # for static files
>> handlers:
>> # Warning! Static mapping - below - isn't compatible with
>> # the parametric router's language logic.
>> # You cannot use them together.
>> - url: /(.+?)/static/_\d.\d.\d\/(.+)
>>   static_files: applications/\1/static/\2
>>   upload: applications/(.+?)/static/(.+)

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