This has been reported before but it just triggers for the next level up in 
the hierarchy (Group C that manages access to Group B that manages access 
to Group A).
RBAC as is is a complete and finite tool to manage permission: it enforces 
(as many other things in web2py) sane defaults, levelling all permissions 
hierarchies to one level.
The fact that you'd need to code your own "hierarchy of permission upon 
permission" shouldn't stop you (and frankly, if put on a piece of paper, 
isn't hard to implement)

Loosely said, you can choose any of two ways:
- have your groups linked by some other external reference, and recursively 
querying for membership
- manage ephemeral groups that can be flatly queried, basically multiplying 
permissions flattening the structure

Recursively querying the database to check for permission is really heavy, 
but if your app needs it, go for it. 
Think, though, that you need to check if a user "X" belonging to only one 
group, Group A, has access to resource "Z".
In hierarchy-defined groups (the structure more familiar to a human brain), 
you'd need to traverse all permissions to "Z" (that are only given to Group 
C), then see if a Group B has access to everything Group C has access to, 
then if a Group A has access to everything that Group B has access to.

A way to check for the user "X" in one step if has access to "Z" is easy, 
too, and generally less resource intensive...
When you create resource "Z", you grant access to Group C, AND Group B, AND 
Group C.
OR, you can assign to user "X" Group A AND Group B AND Group C, and assign 
"Z" permissions to C only.

Granted, the less resource intensive way NEEDS to plan a "manage 
permissions" machinery accordingly to your needs, but you need to ask 
yourself how many times your app assigns/revokes permission and how many 
times it checks for permissions (and how many times will you feel more 
comfortable debugging it :-P).


On Monday, November 23, 2015 at 4:11:55 PM UTC+1, Richard wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to know how (if possible) I can manage group access for 
> permission granted by other role. For example, I have group A, that allow 
> user member from it to access func A... But how can I create or represent 
> that all members of group B can grant the access to group A and group C for 
> instance? In web2py the membersphip don't allow to represent that a role is 
> a member of another role... So how to avoid a repetitive assignment by 
> using group assignment?
> Thanks
> Richard

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